Explain the driving forces behind foreign market pricing

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131402030 , Length: 5

This assignment will assess the Marketing Mix of an International Organization.

Select a Global Fortune 500 Company.

Pick a specific product that the company offers in at least three different countries.

Assess the Marketing Mix for this specific product in each of the three countries. It may be best to set up a chart and identify the Marketing Mix components for each of the countries. More specifically, you will want to consider:

a) Product - What are the basic product benefits, brand name, warranty, service, or innovative qualities?

b) Price - Currency exchange, any planned discounts during the year, method of payment accepted, or e-marketing (if applicable).

c) Promotion - Advertising, sales promotion, public relations, personal selling, etc...

d) Place (distribution) - Market entry method, channels of distribution, and channel cooperation.

A few resources to get you started:











These are just a few examples of the endless amounts of resources and data you can find online. You are not limited to just these  examples. If you have others, please share with the group.

Written Assignment Objectives:

Discuss the relative merits of standardization versus customization alternatives for global product (including services) strategies

Describe multinational diffusion theory

Describe global branding strategies

List and explain the driving forces behind foreign market pricing

List and describe methods of non-cash compensation frequently used in international transactions

Describe the constraints on global integrated marketing communication strategies

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the major integrated marketing communication tools available to international and global marketers

Discuss the importance of logistics in reaching foreign markets and the unique challenges presented by global logistics

PREPARE your written assignment as follows:

Thoroughly read the chapters in the weekly conferences and conduct additional outside research on country and business resources.

Review the following global marketing topics to ensure you understand the marketing principles and can demonstrate you can apply them in this case.

Be sure you understand all of the global marketing concepts covered in this written assignment and review these concepts in the course modules if needed (Module 3):

Marketing environment

Management orientations

Foreign market entry

Global branding principles

Product development





SWOT analysis

Prepare thoughtful answers to the questions being asked!

Follow ALL the guidelines for writing and submitting your Written Assignment

The Written Assignment should be 4-5 pages in length.

Reference no: EM131402030

Questions Cloud

Describe the main tenets of cognitive personality theory : Describe the main tenets of Cognitive Personality Theory and Provide an example of a situation that demonstrates the relationship between the theory and the behavior
What costs did americans bear from the price floor : "The agreement will provide strong relief to the tomato growers in Florida and other states, and help preserve jobs in the industry." What costs did Americans bear from the price floor?
Analyze the business strategy of a strategic business unit : Creating a business model is of critical importance to success What is a business model and what is a business model canvas and how does innovation and competitive strategy converge at a business unit-level through the business model?
What does your data say about your levels of happiness : What does your data say about your levels of happiness? Remember, the most unhappy score you can get is a "1" and the happiest is a "6." The average person scores slightly over 4. Please interpret your levels of happiness
Explain the driving forces behind foreign market pricing : Select a Global Fortune 500 Company.Pick a specific product that the company offers in at least three different countries.Assess the Marketing Mix for this specific product in each of the three countries. It may be best to set up a chart and identi..
Translation of foreign operations : Translation of Foreign Operations (suggested words count: approximately 200 words) Please refer to the ASX company that has been allocated to you. Based on its 2015 annual report and the relevant notes, answer the following:
Estimate amount such a bettor might expect : If he gets three, four, or all five correct, he's paid $10, $20, and $50, respectively. Estimate the amount such a bettor might expect to lose over many weeks of gambling.
Effective annual rate of interest : The terms of the sale were 1/6, net 44. What is the effective annual rate of interest? Enter your answer in percentages rounded off to two decimal points. Do not enter % in the answer box.
What is behavior genetics : What are some techniques that help infertile people have children? What is behavior genetics? What are three types of heredity environment correlations


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