Explain the direction of the causal relationship

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Reference no: EM131157515

1. to do this problem set, go to piazza.com, and, under Resources and problme set 2, find surveydata.RData. Download this file.


2. Go to your Environment tab. Click on the open icon, and find surveydata.RData. Open the file. It should load your workspace with the data frame named: dat.

File was opened and downloaded.

3. Using the command View(), view dat.

This was completed and the data showed up. Then used the command to remove the NA and there was 645 observations left after the command.

4. Use the levels() command to report the levels of ideo7, partyid3, and employ.status.

The data was input and these were the results.
[1] "1. Extremely liberal" "2. Liberal"
[3] "3. Slightly liberal" "4. Moderate; middle of the road"
[5] "5. Slightly conservative" "6. Conservative"
[7] "7. Extremely conservative"
[1] "Dem" "Indep" "Rep"
[1] "1. Working now" "2. Temporarily laid off" "4. Unemployed"
[4] "5. Retired" "6. Permanently disabled" "7. Homemaker"
[7] "8. Student"

5. Use the table() command to answer the following questions:

(a) How many Republicans are in this sample? Thereis 432 republicans in this sample.
(b) How many Independents are over the age of 61? Thereis 147 independents over the age of 61.
(c) How many students in the sample are slightly conservative? Thereis 238 students in this sample that are slightly conservative.
(d) What proportion of Democrats in the sample did not study beyond high school? Their was 485 democrats that did not study beyond high school.

6. We need to create dummy variables for republicans and democrats. Name them rep and dem.

The dummy variable for republicans was created using dat$rep<-seq(0,0,(dat))

The dummy variable for democrats was created using dat$dem<-seq(0,0,(dat))

7. Create two new data frames using the subset command, one with only republicans and the other with only democrats.

8. Using the freq() command, create two frequency graphs, one for the age of republicans, and another for the age of democratic respondents. Include these graphs in your word document, make sure they are appropriately labeled (ti- tled and labels with no R code variable names), and make them different colors.


(a) Imagine you are a campaign manager. Using these data, explain to your candidate in layman's terms what they mean. Take a few sentences to describe what these graphs could mean for a campaign strategy. Use specific examples from the data.

When looking at these graphs its conclusive to say that for the republican voting strategy it is important to focus more on people who are over the age of 41. This is where the majority of the votes are coming from in the Republican party.

When looking at the graph for democrats its conclusive to say that for the voting strategy for this party it is smart and strategic to focus more on people under the age of 51. This is where the majority of the votes are coming from within the Democrat party.

9. Using the freq() command, create two frequency graphs, one for the house- hold income of republicans, and another for the household income of demo- cratic respondents. Include these graphs in your word document, make sure they are appropriately labeled (titled and labels with no R code variable names), and make them different colors.


(a) Imagine you are a political analyst for a media outlet. Using these data, explain to your television anchor in layman's terms what they mean. Take a few sentences to describe what these graphs could mean for dif- ferent policy outcomes. Use specific examples from the data.

The frequency graph for the republican party related to household income shows that more of the house hold income is shifted to the right with large numbers correlated in only a few areas. This shows that people with a lot of income tend to associate more with the republican party then the democrats. This graph also shows that the income level for the republican party isn't very high through out the rest of the graph compared to the democrats.

The frequency graph for the democratic party related to household income shows that the household income is shifted more to the right but its not as spread out or conjugated to one area like in the republican party. The household income in the democratic party is spread out and a little more diverse then shown in the republican party household income.

10. Using the feeling thermometer for welfare, report the average feeling toward welfare programs of Republicans and Democrats. Are they different? Then, in a few sentences, explain why this may be the case. What characteristics might respondents have that could be responsible for these differences? Use examples from the data to support your arguments.

According to the feeling thermometer for welfare, the republicans feel much less for welfare programs then do the democrats.

(a) Does party ID cause people to people to adopt policy positions on wel- fare, or do policy positions on welfare cause people to support a political party? In a few sentences, explain the direction of the causal relation- ship. Use examples from your data to support your position.

Attachment:- Assignment.rar

Reference no: EM131157515

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