Reference no: EM132511649
Assignment: Types of Insurance Plans
Insurance plans are set up in a variety of ways. Each type of insurance plans has its own unique characteristics, but many plans use a combination of the more desirable features of each type of insurance in order to attract customers.
Requirements: List and explain each of the following: Fee-for-service, HMO, PPO, Medicare, Medicaid, Tricare, CHAMPVA, Workers' Compensation, Private Health Insurance (BCBS), Disability and Long-term Care insurance.
Petty Cash
From time to time, small amounts of cash are needed in the medical office, for certain expenses that are often less than $10. The purpose of a petty cash fund is to enable the staff to purchase items of small value quickly and easily.
List and describe the seven steps that are needed to maintain a petty cash fund of $100.
Requirements: This week your Final Course Project is due. You will need to submit revised Parts I, II, III, IV, and V along with Part VI to the drop box.
A Title Page, Table of Contents, and two properly formatted references for each part are also required.
Research a recent article on auditing cash
: Research a recent article on auditing cash, financial instruments, sales, or receivables. Apply what you learn to your future or current job.
Discuss the two main ways bookkeeping can be completed
: Discuss the two main ways bookkeeping can be completed. Which method do you feel is easier to work with and why? Provide your response, with supported.
Describe the new revenue recognition standards
: Describe the new Revenue Recognition standards. Project the impact of these new standards on financial reporting. Provide the suitable example
Why is the coefficient of variation important
: Why is the coefficient of variation important? What do we mean when we say the coefficient of variation has no units?
Explain the different types of insurance plans in brief
: Insurance plans are set up in a variety of ways. Each type of insurance plans has its own unique characteristics, but many plans use a combination of the more.
Discuss about the sexual harassment in the workplace
: Research sexual harassment in the workplace. List 4 examples of sexual harassment, as well as strategies for handling each situation. Write your examples.
Discuss how global societal issue impact specific population
: Make a list of what learned most throughout the process of researching your final essay topic, as well as difficulties you may have encountered along the way.
Discuss the meaning of money for larry
: Discuss what type of rewards is/are applied in Larry's workplace - Discuss the work and none work stressors that Larry experience, and their consequences
Review your personal strengths and weaknesses
: Review your personal strengths and weaknesses. In 1-2 paragraphs, how would you discuss them with a potential employer, who asks you this during an interview?