Explain the difference between threat and crisis

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133229964

Please answer in detail with relevant terminology 

Part 1

1. Define and explain the difference between threat and crisis.

2. Define and explain the difference between risk analysis, risk evaluation, and risk assessment?

3. What are some approaches to assess event probabilities?

4. Describe some difficulties in determining the probability and impact of a terrorist attack?

5. When considering disruptions, how important are building structure and building contents for a typical service-related organization?

6. When considering disruptions, how important are building structure and building contents for a  manufacturing-related organization?

7. What are the four options for risk treatment?

Part 2

1. Define the major steps involved, from identifying threats to ultimately determining risks.

2. Are IT resources more or less important than building structure and building content resources?

3. A computer model might be used to study tornado strike probabilities for an organization located in central Oklahoma. These results may yield more accurate results but is tour-decimal-point accuracy necessary?

4. Are there any advantages to using a sophisticated algorithm to assign relative weights to each of the resources in determining impact?

Reference no: EM133229964

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