Explain the difference between nominal and real gdp

Assignment Help Macroeconomics
Reference no: EM133300926

Assignment: Using data from the Federal Reserve's website (FRED). Your response should be roughly a page and a half in total. Excellent answers should show your understanding of macroeconomic indicators, the workings of the macroeconomy and fiscal policies. Once done, submit the document here. Describe the current state and trends of the U.S. economy in terms of these major macroeconomic indicators - GDP and GDP growth, inflation and unemployment.

Question: Explain the difference between nominal and real GDP? Do you think the current unemployment rate under or over-estimates a "true" measure of unemployment? How are these macroeconomic indicators related? Describe a fiscal policy measure that the federal government has implemented in the last year? How is this fiscal measure expected to affect aggregate demand? Is this an expansionary or contractionary measure.

Reference no: EM133300926

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