Reference no: EM132311925
At your current place of employment, you have worked to positively influence the company's use of groups and teams. You and your colleagues have the opportunity to present your best practices and lessons learned at a national business leader's conference.
Create an 8- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with detailed speaker notes in which you:
Explain the difference between groups and teams as they are used in an organization.
Explain how groups and teams can be used effectively in an organization.
Identify the 5 phases of group development.
List strategies and practices the company can implement to build and maintain team performance. Include speaker notes on each slide.
Explain how this helps engage employees through the phases of group development.
Cite 2 reputable references to support your presentation (e.g., trade or industry publications; government or agency websites; scholarly works;
your textbook, Organizational Behavior, Theory, and Design in Health Care (2nd ed.); or other sources of similar quality).
Format your citations according to APA guidelines. Include a title slide, detailed speaker notes, and a reference slide.