Explain the defining characteristics of byzantine government

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133390468


  1. Explain the defining characteristics of Byzantine government and of the Eastern Orthodox Church.
  2. Give major examples of Byzantine art and architecture.
  3. Explain when and where Islam started, and outline its major beliefs.
  4. Explain how Iconoclasm was a Byzantine response to the threat from Islam.
  5. What did the Byzantine Empire inherit from ancient Rome and other ancient civilizations?
  6. Byzantine rulers were considered "anointed by God." What ramifications did this status have for Byzantine politics and religion? What does "caesaropapism" mean?
  7. What was the purpose of the elaborate rituals surrounding imperial audiences?
  8. How could the Byzantine Empire afford to pay for a bureaucracy, army, and new military innovations?
  9. Why, according to Professor Weber, was the Orthodox faith so important to the survival of the Empire?
  10. Professor Weber provides three examples of how Church and state were intertwined in the Byzantine Empire. What are these examples?
  11. What was the basic dispute between the Orthodox Church and the Monophysites? Where were these disputes most intense?
  12. What institution was first established in Salerno, Italy (near Naples), and what does it reveal about the interconnectedness of the Byzantine, Western, and Arab cultures?
  13. What are some of the legacies of Arab culture in the West?
  14. What non-theological reasons does Professor Weber provide for the split between the Eastern and Western Empires?
  15. In what ways did the Byzantine Empire continue elements of Greco-Roman culture?
  16. What was the relationship between the Empire and the Eastern Orthodox Church?
  17. What are some of the features of the Hagia Sophia that make it an outstanding example of Byzantine architecture?
  18. Summarize the iconoclastic controversy as a response to Islam.
  19. What were the basic beliefs of early Islam?
  20. What areas of the ancient world were conquered by Islam?
  21. Muslim invaders conquered many provinces of the Byzantine Empire and Spain, but why can they not be considered "barbarians"?

Reference no: EM133390468

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