Explain the decisions impact on relevant concerns

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM13751353

Supreme Court Decision

The judiciary is one of the three branches involved in the "checks and balances" associated with the U.S. government under the Constitution. It is also the branch over which the American people have the least direct control, making it particularly controversial, especially when it seems to controvert the popular will as expressed through the legislature.

For this assignment, review the powers which the Constitution grants to the Supreme Court in Article. Then summarize the history of, reasoning behind, and the public reaction to a momentous U.S. Supreme Court decision.

Also, explain the decision's impact on relevant concerns, such as the economy, politics, religious freedom, civil liberties, human rights, and so forth.

In your opinion, was the decision valid in terms of its constitutional interpretation and its impact on the nation? When do you believe the Supreme Court should get involved in national controversies, and what rubric should it use to make its decisions?

You are free to write about any Supreme Court case. The paper should include an analysis of the text of the decision, and should also draw from two scholarly.

Reference no: EM13751353

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