Explain the data analysis plan

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Reference no: EM133082344 , Length: word count:2000

HI6008 Business Research Project - Holmes institute

Report on Research Design and Methodology

Assessment - Business Research Design and Methodology

Purpose: The purpose of this assessment is to ensure each student is able to demonstrate their ability to applyrelevant business research methodology, including proposed sample frame, data collection, analysis and interpretation.

Assignment 3 - the Research Design and Methodology - is to ensure each student is able to contribute to the construction of a written report demonstrating their understanding of the business research paradigm, appropriate methodology, and the plan they would follow regarding primary data, i.e. data collection, analysis and interpretation (which would normally be required post-literature review in order to complete a project).

This assessment builds upon your Literature Review (assessment 2) in that you should now be aware of what additional data is needed to lead you to the answer to your research question(RQ). Rather than search for additional secondary data, this methodology report requiresyou to specify whatprimary data you would plan to collect and analyse.

In this assessment you will document what you have decided is the most appropriate methodology, including whether qualitative or quantitative methods. If you choose a quantitative approach, you will state your hypothesis, how you intend to verify it, what data you need, how it can be collected and analysed. If you choose a qualitative approach, you will decide which method is appropriate, how you would design the questionnaireand state how you would collate and interpret your data.

Assignment Structure:

1. Introduction, including your research question(RQ).
2. A detailed research methodology addressing the qualitative-quantitative debate, hypothesis (if appropriate), anyrelevant additional secondary data, proposed sampling approach, sample frame, and sample size, questionnaire design, data collection method, and envisaged analysis.
3. A summary of what you would expect to find[Note that you are NOT required to actually obtain primary data]
4. A conclusion (relating back to your original research problem and question(RQ)
5. List of references in Holmes adapted Harvard style (only for sources mentioned in this submission)
6. Append a statement stating ‘Who Wrote What' (unless you worked as a solo group)

TOPIC: Company-specific mini-literature review and research design proposal. ( in context of Australia)

Assignment Task

Your task is to prepare a report of 2000 words (the word count does not include your questionnaire and reference list), based on the following scenario:

Your CEO has requested you to ascertain whether or not she/he should expand the company beyond the shores of Australia, by opening a new branch in the Fijian city of Suva. Please attend to the following aspects:

Use the city you are currently based in (i.e. where your Holmes campus is(BRISBANE AUSTRALIA)) as being the current base from which your company wishes to expand.

Choose a business that currently operates in either the retail or manufacturing sector. Ensure that you specify which sector and describe the industry within which the business operates. Explain the company and its brand positioning (this must be an existing brand, not a hypothetical one). Provide details about the current performance of the business, its other current locations, its growth history, etc. [from published secondary data]. Decide on and clearly state the Research Problem facing the company.

Research relevant politico-socio-economic-enviro-legal facts about Fiji in general and Suva in particular.

Research relevant facts about the state of the industry.

Research at least three relevant competitors in Fiji.

For the above three sections you need at least 9 references, of which at least 4 must be academic journal articles. [In your reference list, ensure that you provide the details of each reference in Holmes-adapted Harvard style, plus the hyperlinked URL of anything you accessed online, and the date on which you accessed it].

State the research question(s) that remain(s) to be answered after considering all of the above.

Decide what primary data will be needed to complete your study and state how you would go about collecting it, i.e. your specific methodology design. In particular, specify your sample frame of participants, the type of interviews you would use, and why. [Note: DO NOT actually collect any primary data]

Add the complete questionnaire and explain the data analysis plan ([Note: DO NOT actually collect any primary data]

Official Holmes Cover Page
Introduce the company (a and b above) [approx. 500 words], culminating in the specific Research Problem.
Conduct a research of literature review / secondary data (c, d, e, f, g) [approx. 1000 words, culminating in the specific Research Problem and state the Research Question]
Apply your knowledge of research to propose a research design (i.e. specify what primary data is needed; how will it be collected, analysed, interpreted (h) [approx. 500 words]
Design your detailed Questionnaire (i) designed specifically for the interviews that would be conducted to elicit primary data directly related to the Research Question (word count not specified). Demonstrate an appropriate range of questioning / answering techniques, based on HI6008 lecture materials.
List of references [not part of the word count]

Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list, all using the Holmes adapted Harvard referencing style.

Assessment Design - Adapted Harvard Referencing

Attachment:- business_research_literaterature.rar

Reference no: EM133082344

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2/7/2022 11:20:20 PM

I have done earlier two assignments of this topic It's on methodology I can send you the last two because they are related to it I need references in Harvard style and hyperlink in references as well Sending last two assignments which are related this Please use the data according to last assignment and research matter Please do this assignment according to last research And pay attention to reference

Write a Review

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