Explain the contents and the principles of the rule of law

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Reference no: EM131348375 , Length: word count:1500

Assignment research questions

Choose one research topic from the list below and write a research essay about it:

1) The rule of law and the unwritten Constitution. Explain the contents and the principles of the rule of law in the English legal system, with particular focus on the peculiar context of the unwritten Constitution. Consider all relevant issues, including (but not limited to) the following:
- What is the rule of law?
- What does it means?
- In which sources can we find it?
- Is the fact that the English legal system does not have a proper constitutional text a problem for the rule of law?

2) The system of precedent. Explain the system of precedent in the English legal system. Consider all relevant issues, including (but not limited to) the following:
- What is a precedent?
- How does the system of precedent work?
- Can the Court of Appeal and the UK Supreme Court depart from their own precedents?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of a system of binding precedent?
- How many types of precedents are there?

3) The importance of principles in criminal procedure. Explain the main principles of criminal procedure in the English legal system. Consider all relevant issues, including (but not limited to) the following:
- What is a legal principle?
- What does each of the criminal procedure principles mean?
- What are their functions?
- In which sources can we find them?
- What is the relation of such principles with the rule of law?

The objective is to demonstrate that you have sufficient knowledge and understanding of the English legal system and that you are able to do appropriate research and produce a properly presented and referenced written essay on one of the main topics covered during our seminars drawing upon the most relevant sources, including books, legal articles, legislation, case law, etc.

The work is marked (summative assessment). It can be awarded up to 70 marks within the coursework portfolio.

The KU marking criteria are available on Studyspace.

indicated on Studyspace, when submission will be opened.

Word process your report in 12pt font, Times New Roman or Arial.

Word limit: 1,500-2,000 maximum. This is both a minimum limit, meaning that you should not write fewer than 1,500 words, and a maximum limit, meaning that you should not write more than 2,000 words.

6 references

Reference no: EM131348375

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Explain the contents and the principles of the rule of law : LL4301 ELSM - Written Essay Summative Assessment Brief- How does the system of precedent work and Can the Court of Appeal and the UK Supreme Court depart from their own precedents - What are the advantages and disadvantages of a system of binding pre..
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