Reference no: EM133516934
Understanding the Digital Revolution
Assessment Task - Video and Disruption Report
1. Overview
• For this assessment task, you will create a written proposal and video about the impact of a particular technology on an industry or field.
• The purpose of this assignment is for you to develop your big-picture thinking, and to explore various impacts of the ever-changing IT industry.
Learning Outcome 1: Review a range of information system applications;
Learning Outcome 2: State the uses of emerging technologies within key industry contexts; and
Learning Outcome 3: Explain the concepts of software development within key industries.
Assessment Details
The Digital Revolution is not limited to the past - we should expect changes to continue for the foreseeable future. The aim of this assessment is for you to explore how IT might disrupt a particular industry in the future, based on current trends and upcoming technologies. To disrupt is to drastically change a process; for example, the invention of printing allows the mass reproduction of printed materials, and the introduction of planes allows us to travel to far places more frequently.
Topic - "Disrupting {Industry or Activity} with {Technology}".
Part One - Research
The first step to creating your video and report is to explore both the technology and the industry to understand the potential impacts.
Write a short description of the technology and the industry (150-300 words each), and add both to your ePortfolio page. Use an AI tool to assist you in this process and use it to describe the technology and the industry including appropriate referencing. You may have to go through several iterations to get it correct. Make sure that only peer-reviewed references are used. Please see Moodle in the Assessment block: "Library Skills: Searching for Reliable Resources".
Critique (analyse and evaluate) the work produced by the AI tool. You need to review the output to ensure the content and references are accurate (follow APA style, peer- reviewed and exist). Please see the "Library Skills: Searching for Reliable Resources" under the Assessment section in Moodle.
You must submit:
a. The answer from the AI tool (include your queries and drafts from the AI tool)
b. Your critique of the final answer from the AI tool; for example, highlight any inaccuracies or how you refined your query.
c. Your final solution.
If you are unsure of how to reference sources, please review the Academic Integrity Module, or contact a Learning Skills Advisor. Plagiarism is unacceptable!
Part two - Ways to disrupt the industry
For your topic, use the AI tool to list and describe at least three ways the technology may change or disrupt the industry (150 to 300 words each). In your description, include how the technology disrupts current practice.
Disrupt doesn't necessarily mean bad - it just means a big change. You could think about how Uber disrupted the taxi industry, or how Amazon disrupted the retail industry.
This is a creative task - it's ok for your ideas to be 10 or 30 years in the future. The more you can come up with at this stage the better, even if you think your ideas are completely implausible.
Critique the answer generated.
a. Does the proposed change or disruption require the technology for the change to occur? In other words, can the proposed change take place without the technology?
b. How do the three ways suggested differ from each other (unique)?
c. Are they novel or creative? They may be unseen for now but could be plausible in the future. For example, streaming services existed before Netflix, but they were unsuccessful commercially due to insufficient bandwidth.
Part three - Video
Using any software you like, create a two-minute video to accompany your report. We must see your headshot at least at the start of the video. You can use AI tool to generate the script, but you are responsible for making sure that the script is coherent and flows.
Two minutes is not very long. You don't have to cover everything from your report, nor all of your brainstormed ideas. You may choose to talk about several of your ideas at a shallow level or speak in more depth about just one. Pick whatever is going to make the most engaging 2-minute video.
Your video can be made however you like - talking to the camera; using narrated slides; describing a sketch; animation or combining multiple methods. Choose an approach that best suits you and the content you are trying to deliver. Some students delivered the videos outdoors with cardboard as a visual aid, PowToon, and recorded presentations of PowerPoint slides.
Regardless of how you choose to make sure your video, ensure:
• sound and narration is clearly audible;
• enough context is included to demonstrate understanding of the industry and the technology, and the significance of the impact;
• the length is between 1:45 and 2:15;
• an appropriate sequence is followed so that a viewer can understand the context and content;
• graphical elements are clearly legible.
Part four - Reflection (experience with AI tool)
Document your experience of using AI tool. In 150 to 300 words, describe your experience with AI tool. This must be your own work, you can only ask the AI tool to correct your grammar! If you ask AI tool to write about your experience and try to use it without much thought, you are likely to be disappointed.
a. What went well? What do you think is the strength of the AI tool?
b. What didn't go so well? What do you think is the weakness of the AI tool?
c. What did you do to improve the results?
d. What advice do you have for other students who want to use AI tools for their assignments?