Explain the concepts of object orientation methodology

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM131450475

Question: Task: Investigate the effectiveness of business information systems of the given case study. To do this, you are required to submit a complete report which includes an analysis of functionality, resources required, the broad feasibility of the project (i.e., risks) and proposed outcome based on the analysis of the case study.

Rationale: This assessment tasks covers the fundamental concepts of object oriented analysis, relationship between analysis and design and activities of SDLC. More specifically it assess your ability to

• Explain the concepts of object orientation methodology (Learning outcome 1);

• Describe the activities in each phase of the system development life cycle. (Learning Outcome 2)

Marking criteria: Content of the report (i.e., analysis of functionality, resources required, the broad feasibility of the project (i.e., risks) and proposed outcome (70%)

Clarity of expression and presentation of response, while fully utilizing the 1200 to 1500 word-count limit. (20%)

Referencing is mainly accurate and according to the APA standard. All references are cited in the text.

Demonstrates breadth and depth of understanding and has insights and awareness of deeper more subtle aspects of the topic content.
Evidence of having researched / read more widely beyond the core materials.

Reference no: EM131450475

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