Reference no: EM132604609
BSBHRM405 Support the recruitment, selection and induction of staff
Assessment Task 1: Written Questions
Provide answers to all of the questions below:
1. Identify and list two types of documents that can be used for each of the following human resources phases:
• Recruitment
• Selection
• Induction
2. Explain the concept of the Human Resources Life Cycle and the role of recruitment and selection within the life cycle.
3. Explain each of the 5 main stages of the Human Resource Life Cycle.
4. Identify at least three Commonwealth Acts relating to anti-discrimination that should be adhered to when recruiting and selecting staff for a position. For each Act you identify, why the Act must be adhered to when recruiting and selecting staff.
5. Identify the Act that includes the requirement for employees to be provided with a Fair Work Information Statement before or, as soon as possible after starting a job.
Access this Act to identify and then list the key information included in the Fair Work Information Statement.
6. Describe three methods that can be used to advertise a vacancy within an organisation.
7. Describe two forms of technology that can be used to advertise a position.
8. Explain two interviewing techniques.
9. Explain three commonly used selection techniques.
10. Explain the purpose and relevance of psychometric tests in recruitment and selection.
11. Explain the purpose and relevance of skills tests in recruitment and selection.
12. Explain why recruitment decisions should not be based on one selection method alone.
Assessment Task 2: Recruitment project
Task summary
For this assessment, you are required to complete a series of tasks associated with the recruitment of a Human Resources Advisor for the University of Green Hill. This will include:
• Meeting with the Human Resources Manager to discuss the position requirements
• Developing a position description.
• Developing a job advertisement.
• Developing questions for an interview.
• Assisting in shortlisting candidates
• Preparing a schedule for interviews.
Read the following:
You are a Human Resources Officer at the University of Green Hill. The University's intention is to grow its Human Resources personnel due to the high numbers of staff employed across the University as a whole, and the University's focus on having a highly skilled HR Department.
Complete the following tasks.
1. Participate in a meeting to plan for recruitment
This assessment task requires you to participate in a meeting with the Human Resources Manager (roleplayed by your assessor) to discuss the requirements for a new position within the Human Resources Department at the University of Green Hill.
Your assessor will advise you of the date and time of the meeting.
Prior to the meeting, you should review the University's Recruitment, Selection and Induction Policy and Procedures to ensure that you understand the requirements for recruiting staff.
At the meeting, you will need to consult with the Human Resources Manager about the University's overall workforce strategy and the new human resources department position requirements. You will need to take notes to refer to when you will develop the position description following the meeting.
During the meeting, you will need to demonstrate effective communication techniques, including asking questions and confirming information through active listening techniques.
Before concluding the meeting, confirm the timelines for the recruitment process.
2. Develop a position description
The next part of the assessment requires you to develop the position description for the new role of Human Resources Advisor from the HR Advisor Position Requirements. This will also include developing selection criteria for the position.
Use the University's Position Description Template to guide your work.
Follow the University's recruitment and selection policy and procedures that describe the procedure to be followed for developing position descriptions.
It should also take into account all relevant legislation, regulations, standards and codes, as well as diversity goals.
3. Send an email to the Human Resources Manager (your assessor).
The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.
It should introduce and summarise the contents of the attachment and seek approval for the position description.
Your email must:
• Confirm the requirement for the appointment as per the Manager's advice and the University's workforce strategy as per the case study information
• Seeks approval to proceed with the recruitment for the position based on the attached position description
• Confirm timelines for recruitment as discussed at the meeting.
Attach your position description to the email.
4. Develop an advertisement
Assume that you have been given approval to proceed with the position as set out in the position description that you developed.
Following the University's policy on relevant legislation for EEO and anti-discrimination as indicated in the guidelines for advertising in the Recruitment and Selection Policy, design an advertisement for an externally advertised position, as well as an advertisement for an internally advertised position. Ensure that the advertisement contains all the relevant information and that it is designed to gain attention, generate interest, explain benefits, and target appropriate candidates.
In addition, research options for advertising for external candidates. Your recommendations should be based on the Recruitment, Selection and Induction Policy requirements, and you must provide the details of at least two possible sources. You should provide a clear rationale for using these sources, as well as details of the costs associated.
Save this document as Job Advertisement.
5. Send an email to the Human Resources Manager (your assessor).
The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.
It should introduce and summarise the contents of the attachment and give your recommendations for advertising options.
Attach your job advertisement to the email.
6. Develop interview questions
The next part of the assessment requires you to develop at least 10 interview questions that can be used at the interview to find out as much as you can about the candidate in relation to the job role as follows:
• Ensure the questions obtain information that can be used to assess the applicant's suitability against the selection criteria and position description
• Use open, closed, situation and behavioural questions
• Ensure questions do not result in bias or discrimination
7. Send an email to the Human Resources Manager (your assessor).
The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.
Review the Recruitment, Selection and Induction Policy and identify who is required to participate in the selection panel for the recruitment of this position and selection panel participants and the steps that need to be taken to convene the panel.
The email text should introduce and summarise the contents of the attachment and seek their feedback. It should give confirmation of the selection panel participants and the steps that need to be taken to convene the panel.
8. Assist in shortlisting candidates
You are required to review the candidate summaries to determine and prepare a recommendation for the Human Resources Manager on which candidates should be shortlisted for the position, based on the position requirements.
Develop a shortlist of candidates in accordance with the shortlisting guidelines in the Recruitment and Selection Policy and Procedure and the position description.
9. Send an email to the Human Resources Manager (your assessor).
The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.
It should advise which candidates you believe should be included in the short list and your reasons for this.
10. Develop a letter to be emailed to each successful candidate
The letter should advise them that they have been selected for interview.
The letter should include details of the date, time and venue (this will be your RTO address) for the interview, as well as who will conduct the interview (you and the HR Manager).
You should include the date and time advised to you by your assessor for the interviews to be conducted in Assessment Task 3. You may select which candidate will be interviewed at either of the times given.
Save this document as Interview Invitation Letter.
11. Send an email to the Human Resources Manager (your assessor).
The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.
It should advise what the interview schedule will be.
Assessment Task 3: Interview and appointment project
Task summary
For this assessment task, you are required to participate in an interview roleplay, as well as complete required documentation for submission. You will need use information from Assessment Task 2 to help you complete this assessment. Your assessor will observe you conducting the interview and will assess your performance.
After the interview, you will also need to participate in a roleplay to obtain a referee's report. So, prior to the interview, you will need to prepare at least five questions that you could ask a referee about a candidate.
You will also need to make arrangement for the appointment and induction of the candidate.
Carefully read the following:
Two candidates have been selected for interview. You have been asked by the Human Resources Manager to participate in the interviews and ask the questions that you created in Assessment Task 2.
Your assessor will roleplay the Human Resources Manager and will also arrange for two students to roleplay the shortlisted candidates. These will be the two candidates that you shortlisted for Assessment Task 2. Your assessor will assist candidates to prepare for the interview.
Your assessor will welcome the candidate, introduce themselves and you, as well as provide a brief overview of the company. It will be then your role to ask the questions you have prepared. The Human Resources Manager will close the interview
1. Participate in the interview
This assessment task requires you to participate in the interview of the two selected candidates. At the commencement of the interview you will need to:
• Introduce yourself
• Ask questions as per the identified and prepared interview questions.
• Ask further questions as required based on the candidate's response.
• Listen carefully to the candidate's responses and make notes
When you have asked each candidate all of your questions, farewell the candidate and thank them for their interest in attending.
During the interview, you will need to demonstrate effective communication and interpersonal skills including:
• Speaking clearly and concisely
• Asking questions as required to identify required information
• Responding to questions
• Using active listening techniques to confirm or clarify information
• Non-verbal communication skills to show interest and encouragement, including smiling, nodding, eye contact.
2. Assess candidates
After the interview, you will need to demonstrate your ability to discuss your, and the Human Resources Manager's, assessment of the candidates.
You should negotiate for your preferred candidate as follows:
• Discuss assessment of candidates with the HR Manager based on responses provided in the interview and according to selection criteria.
• Identify and discuss preferred candidate and your reasons for this.
Your assessor will also ask you a question about biases and non-conformities with agreed selection procedures that you will be required to answer choice.
3. Speak to referees by telephone.
Obtain referee reports via telephone by participating in a roleplay with your assessor playing the referee for the selected candidate.
Before making the telephone call, decide on at least 5 questions that confirm the candidate's details and their suitability for the position.
You will need to demonstrate effective communication skills by speaking clearly and concisely, asking questions and using active listening techniques.
4. Prepare a selection report
Following the completion of the referee checks, complete the Selection Report Template
5. Send an email to the CEO (your assessor).
The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.
It should give your recommendation, referring to the position recruited for.
The email text should also introduce and summarise the contents of the attachment.
Attach your selection report to the email.
6. Send an email to unsuccessful candidates (your assessor).
Develop and send an email to unsuccessful candidates advising them that they have not been selected.
7. Send an email to an unsuccessful candidate (your assessor) in response to queries
Respond in writing to the enquiry according to the Recruitment, Selection and Induction Policy and Procedures.
8. Write a Letter of Offer and Employment Contract for the successful candidate.
Use the Offer and Employment Contract Template to guide your work.
This should set out all employment conditions and be sent to the successful candidate to secure their acceptance of the position.
9. Send an email to the successful applicant (your assessor)
The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.
It should congratulate them on being successful with their application and indicate that they will be required to participate in an induction. Tell them the purpose of the induction, as well as the date and time of the induction.
The email text should also introduce and summarise the attachment.
Attach your letter of offer to the email.
10. Send an email to the CEO and your work team (your assessor).
The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.
It should advise them of the new appointment including name of the person and starting date (the starting date should be 4 weeks from the current date).
11. Send an email to the pay department (your assessor).
The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.
It should indicate the date that the new employee is starting and asking them to make the necessary arrangements with the new employee.
12. Send an email to your Human Resources team (your assessor).
Inform them of the new employee's starting date and when their induction can begin.
This email should ensure that the new employee's induction has been organised before they commence work.
Attachment:- Assessment Tasks.rar