Explain the concept of the battle of the forms

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM13997887

Developing Contracts in Procurement and Supply


(1) How your Terms and conditions ensure that you manage the risks of poor quality, extension of time, increased costs and unethical practice.

(2) Explain the concept of the "battle of the forms" and demonstrate how you could ensure that any agreement is carried out under your own Terms and Conditions.

(3) How your Terms and Conditions ensure that the relevant performance measures are monitored and managed.Guidance
Your work should consist of approximately 3,000 words and any source materials such as web sites, reports, articles, market data, journals or texts should be referred to in your references or bibliography.

Syllabus Coverage

The following content from the Practitioner syllabus can be used to answer this assessment:

- The main types of contracts and agreements
- The documentation that is used to create commercial agreements for the supply of goods, services or works
- The sources of express terms that can be used to regulate contracts made for the supply of goods or services
- The legal issues that relate to the creation of commercial agreements with customers or suppliers relating to offers, counter offers, acceptance, and other issues
- Core clauses that comprise commercial agreements with customers or suppliers
- Key provisions of legislation that relate to contracts for the supply of goods and services
- The use of contractual KPIs that link to technical and commercial requirements in contracts
- The main types of risks in the performance of contracts such as internal, market, economic, legal, ethical sourcing and performance based risks
- Performance management and ensuring compliance to agreed standards
- Payment responsibilities in contract management
- Creating targets for assessing the performance of suppliers based on the SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timely) targets for performance

This assessment helps you achieve the following capabilities:

- Develop appropriate contractual agreements for suppliers with stakeholders
- Select appropriate contract terms that specifically relate to the supply of goods, services or works to be contracted for
- Review processes and procedures for creating contracts to ensure that all legal requirements are complied with and recommend any changes required
- Interpret and provide advice to colleagues and stakeholders on the core clauses of commercial agreements with customers or suppliers
- Research legislation that relates to contracts for the supply of goods and services and advise stakeholders on their implications
- Develop and advise colleagues and stakeholders on the use and benefits of KPIs applied to technical and commercial requirements in contracts
- Work with suppliers, internal customers or stakeholders to achieve added value in procurement and supply
- Evaluate the potential risks that purchased goods and services may be subjected to and liaise with suppliers and stakeholders to create plans to mitigate the adverse effects of these risks
- Monitor the supply of goods and services to ensure required performance standards are achieved
- Ensure compliance to, and take remedial actions for any deviations from contracted payment terms for purchased goods and services
- Formulate SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timely) targets for supplier performance and agree their application with suppliers and stakeholders
- Create improvement plans to correct defective performance or to mitigate risks for purchased goods or services

Verified Expert

The assessment is regarding "development of contracts in supply and procurement" with key focus on three questions required by the student. No introduction or conclusion has bee provided, but the three questions have been answered following certain sub-headings as mentioned in the requirement. The assignment has been completed in 3300 words with APA style referencing.

Reference no: EM13997887

Questions Cloud

How many turns of crank would have been necessary to work : Assuming the human body is 50% efficient in the conversion of food Calories into mechanical work, how many turns of the crank would have been necessary to work off an average breakfast of about 600 food Calories?
What points along line joining them is the potential zero : A 3.16 micro C and a -2.16 micro C charge are placed 4.45 cm apart. At what point along the line joining them is the electric field zero? Assume that the first charge is at the origin and the second charge is at +4.45 cm. At what points along the ..
What frequency will the pit crew member hear : A car approaches him at 100 m/s and emits a sound at frequency 1100 Hz. The air is still and the speed of sound is 340 m/s. What frequency will the pit crew member hear?
Determine the x and y coordinates of the center of gravity : Shown below is a 4.00-ft by 8.00-ft sheet of plywood with the upper left quadrant removed. Assume the plywood is uniform and determine the x and y coordinates of the center of gravity. Hint: The Earth's gravitational field is also uniform for the ..
Explain the concept of the battle of the forms : How your Terms and conditions ensure that you manage the risks of poor quality, extension of time, increased costs and unethical practice.
How far will m-one descend below its innitial level : In the wood machine shown below, m1= 2.00 kg and m2= 7.70 kg. the masses of the pulley and string are negligible by comparison. How far will m1 descend below its innitial level? Find the velocity of m1 after 1.80 s.
Provide a brief description about the quality tool : Identify a minimum of two quality tools that you will use in this process improvement project. Provide a brief description about the quality tool and explain how this tool will help your team improve the process
What is the total energy density in an electromagnetic wave : It can be shown that an electromagnetic wave's energy is equally divided between the electric field and the magnetic field. What is the total energy density in an electromagnetic wave of intensity 850 W/m^2?
The act of hacking into a computer system : The term hacktivism is sometimes used to refer to the act of hacking into a computer system for a politically or socially motivated purpose. While some view hacktivists no differently than they view other hackers, hacktivists contend that they break ..


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