Reference no: EM132498843
Assignment -
Part A - Answer any 2 of the following, in your own words (250 words/1 paragraph):
1. Explain the concept of power in the international system. Why is it important?
2. Is conflict (war) necessary / needed in the international system? Yes / No and Why?
3. Give a brief summary on the UN and all its arms.
4. What is the view of Realists on human nature? Do you agree or disagree, and why?
Part B - Answer any 1 of the following, in your own words (500 words/3 paragraphs):
Do you agree or disagree with the liberal's ideas on International Organizations? Why?
Based on your assignment for the course, give an explanation on any international organization and what they do.
What is Globalization? Do you believe it is good or bad? Why?
Part C - Write 200 words on the topic: Pollution and the effects of pollution on human beings.
Part D - Write 400 words on the topic: Is technology limiting creativity?