Explain the concept of parens patriae

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Reference no: EM133089023

Question 1. Explain the concept of parens patriae.

Question 2. Differentiate between the types of juvenile offenders, including delinquents and status offenders.

Question 3. Summarize how juvenile offenders are processed through the criminal justice system.

Question 4. Explain the meaning of the deinstitutionalization of status offenders.

Question 5. Outline the history and development of juvenile justice and juvenile courts.

Question 6. Summarize juvenile crime rates and trends.

Question 7. Describe the factors that lead to career escalation and/or a transition to adult crime.

Question 8. Summarize juvenile victimization, including school violence.

Reference no: EM133089023

Questions Cloud

Burglary and Robbery : Research two online news-related articles: one related to burglary crimes and one related to robbery crimes
Behavioral characteristics of criminal psychopath : Describe the core behavioral characteristics of the criminal psychopath. Identify (name) the psychopath you chose
Evaluate how society defines crime : Evaluate how society defines crime. Illustrate how we know that this is an accurate statement. The Myths and Reality of Crime paper.
Crime reporting compare and contrast : Typically there are the Uniform Crime Report, the National Crime Victimization Survey, and Self Reports. Each has its strength and weakness.
Explain the concept of parens patriae : Explain the concept of parens patriae. Summarize juvenile crime rates and trends. Summarize juvenile victimization, including school violence.
Concentric zone hypothesis : How does social learning theory differ from the psychoanalytic theory? How is cultural transmission theory related to the concentric zone hypothesis?
Pathogens spread by number of different mechanisms : Pathogens spread by a number of different mechanisms and there are various preventative methods that can be implemented to reduce the spread of various diseases
Establishment of russian federation have obviously : The dissolution of the Soviet Union and the establishment of the Russian Federation have obviously had a profound impact on the country.
Heart into investigation : Certain crimes such as child rape and murder can cause an investigator to put his heart into the investigation.


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