Reference no: EM133045781
For this assignment, you will need to watch one of three documentaries. Each of these films also explores the human relationship between businesses and their consumers. Each looks specifically at the function of media, marketing, and entertainment industries play in our lives.
One concept that you should understand when viewing these films is the concept of Objectification. Objectification is treating a person as though they are an object or possession and not a complex human being. When someone is objectified they are treated as if they exist to serve one purpose. Traditionally, when women are objectified this purpose is typically the pleasure or service to a man or as a ''breeder'' whose value is based on her fertility. When men are objectified this purpose could be as a provider whose value is tied to his ability to provide financially. Men who are perceived as fit and traditionally handsome can also be objectified as mere muscles or eye candy. Children can also be objectified, especially in dysfunctional divorce settings where children can be viewed as possessions to battle over. Businesses can also objectify their customers when they view them only as sources of revenue and not as community members who deserve honesty and safe products. Objectification has many ethical implications.
These films can be watched free on Kanopy. It is a Netflix style subscription video service Lone Star College students can access. Choose the option that says "LSC-On-line users login here." Then you can log in with your student username and password.
Documentary 1:
Flirting with Danger examines how the wider culture''s frequently contradictory messages about pleasure, danger, agency, and victimization enter into women''s most intimate relationships with men.
Documentary 2:
Consuming Kids is a documentary. It explores marketing directed at children. Drawing on the insights of health care professionals, children''s advocates, and industry insiders, the film focuses on the explosive growth of child marketing in the wake of deregulation.
Documentary 3:
Tough Guise II examines mass shootings, day-to-day gun violence, violence against women, bullying, gay-bashing, and American militarism against the backdrop of a culture that has normalized violent and regressive forms of masculinity in the face of challenges to traditional male power and authority.
Write a 2-3 page reflection on the documentary that you watched. Please use 11 pt font, double spaced and Tahoma or Arial font. Answer the following:
1) Share how the topic addressed in this video relates to ethics.
2) Explain the concept of objectification. How did it relate to the video you watched. (You may want to cite an outside source for this part of the reflection.) Is objectification something you have personally experienced?
3) Share a quote or statistic from the video that you found memorable. Include the minute mark where you found the video and the speaker if relevant.
4) Share what you learned from the video and if it changed your perspective in any way. Are there any behavior changes you can make that will help address the issues covered in this video? Even if you disagreed with the video, there are things to be learned by considering the perspectives presented.
Attachment:- Documentaries.rar