Explain the concept of ethnography in market research

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Reference no: EM133003512


1. Explain each of the steps in the marketing research process (50 - 100 words for each step).

2. a. Why would your research data need to be processed? (100 - 150 words.
b. Describe four methods you can use to process your data (50 - 100 words for each).

3. a.Discuss the definition of primary data (100 - 150 words); and then,
b. Describe four techniques of collecting primary data and determine if those collection techniques are qualitative or quantitative (50 -100 words for each technique).

4. a. What is secondary data (50 - 100 words)?
b. Describe the two main methods of collecting secondary market research data (50 - 100 words for each method).

5. Describe the most common methods of analysing qualitative and quantitative data (100 - 150 words).

6. Discuss why qualitative and quantitative data both play an important role in research (100 -150 words).

7. Explain the concept of exploratory research (50 - 100 words).

8. Explain the concept of ethnography in market research (50 - 100 words).

9. Explain the concept of causal research (50 - 100 words).

10. Outline what an in-depth interview is and how it is used in market research. Discuss two advantages and disadvantages of in-depth in your response (50 - 100 words).

11. Outline what focus groups are and how they are used in market research. Discuss two advantages and disadvantages of focus groups in your response (150 - 200 words).

12. a. Explain why it is important to test a questionnaire prior to using it (50 - 100 words)?
b. Explain how would you go about testing a questionnaire? (50 - 100 words).

13. In two to three paragraphs discuss sample design in market research (150 - 200 words).

14. Discuss the differences between probability and non-probability sampling (50 - 100 words), and provide at least two methods of selecting the sample from each (approx. 50 words each).

15. Discuss two common approaches to determining sample size and the merits, or limitations, of the approach (50 - 100 words each approach).

16. What is the purpose of having a hypothesis (50 - 100 words)? Discuss the 5 principles a market researcher would need to apply to develop a strong hypothesis (50 - 100 words each principle).

17. Explain how market researchers ensure their data is both valid and reliable (120 - 150 words).

18. Explain the term standard deviation in relation to analysing market research data (50 - 100 words).

19The Triple Constraint (or Project Management Triangle) is one of the most well-known mechanisms for signifying the interaction of the key attributes of a project. Describe what the Triple Constraint is and its use in project management to ensure a successful project outcome (200 - 250 words).

20. Discuss the role of the project sponsor. At what points are they involved in the project? What are they responsible for? (100 - 150 words).

21. Make a list of at least four other possible stakeholders in a workplace project. Briefly discuss their roles in a project (100 - 150 words).

22. Briefly outline the project management process. In what phase are the timelines, budgets and implementation plans established and monitored? (50 - 100 words).

23. Discuss the 8 steps in a policy and procedure development process, including an explanation of why it is important to consult with stakeholders (100 - 150 words).

24. Discuss three strategies to overcoming barriers to introducing new policies and procedures (approx. 50 words each strategy).

25. Discuss the impact of social media on market functions (100 - 150 words).

26. Explain the impact of the Do Not Call Register on marketing research (approx. 50 words).

27. Identify and outline five items of regulations and laws that apply to the marketing industry in Australia (100 - 150 words).

28. n your own words summarise the general rules of professional behaviour that a market researcher should observe under the Australian Social and Market Research Society Code of Professional Behaviour (150 - 200 words)


For this task you are required to be in the role of the Marketing Manager for NatureCare Products. Read the case study below and complete the following activities:

Case study

NatureCare Products is based in Brisbane, Queensland Australia and commenced business in 2006 manufacturing and retailing eco-friendly, high quality beauty skin care products. The business was established to cater for a growing demand for skin products that contain eco-friendly and natural ingredients. There is also an emphasis on eco-friendly packaging.

The company has a range of products (not organically certified) currently that include:

Cleansing creams to soothe skin during make-up removal. Primary ingredients include Shea butter to nourish the skin and plant extracts that are also rich in essential oils with regenerating and anti- inflammatory properties. This product will be for delicate and mature skins and could also be used as a baby cream.

Multi Protection Day Moisturizing Creams for dry to normal skin types that help protect the skin during the day and includes Shea butter and extracts from fragile green algae that provides hydrating and protective properties.

Regenerating facial scrub to remove dead skin cells and to promote regeneration of healthy new cells. This product will be used for most skin types.

The company has become well established in the Australian market and sells its products in health stores across the country. It also sells its products online through its own website. The company targets customers that want high quality, eco-friendly products. The company's target customers are currently professional women aged 25 - 55. The current strategy of the company as identified in its latest Marketing Plan is niche marketing to the target group based on positioning the products as high quality and eco-friendly. The company is in a strong financial position as shown in its Business Plan.

Company staff include the CEO, General Manager, Marketing Manager, Marketing Officer and Administration/Project Officer and a receptionist.

The company has not previously undertaken formal market research. The research is now required to assist in growing the company through identification of new products and/or new markets.
Due to lack of staff time, it has been identified that external consultants should be used to conduct the primary market research. A budget of $30,000 has been allocated for this primary research.
Staff time only will be required for the secondary research and so will not attract specific costs. Management has indicated the following information for use in developing the required market research policies and procedures:

Task 2.1 A list in priority order to conduct the market research

- Review the case study and the NatureCare Marketing Policy and Procedure that has been provided. Make a list in priority order of the requirements of these two documents that you need to meet for this project.

What to submit:
Priority list to conduct the market research

Task 2.2 Develop a market research project plan

- Develop a market research project plan using the market research project plan Template A provided. The plan must address the requirements of a project plan as outlined in the NatureCare Marketing Policy and Procedure.

What to submit:
Market research project plan

Task 2.3
Submit your list of requirements and market research project plan to the CEO seeking approval to proceed and to obtain the required resources (engage an external consultant or agency as well as any other resources you have identified).


Part A: Project Brief and Selection Criteria Read the scenario and then complete the activities that follow.

Complete the following activities:
1. Develop a project brief for the consultant that addresses the market research requirements. The project brief should include:
• A brief overview of the company
• An outline of the market research to be conducted
• Particular requirements as listed in Assessment Task 2.1
• Timelines
• Budget.
• Your project brief should also include your contact details for submission of the quote and the date by which the quote is to be submitted.
• The brief should be no more than one page, address all of the above points and should be written in clear and concise English.
2. Develop selection criteria
• You are required to develop suitable selection criteria against which to select the consultant. The ability to meet time and budget will be required along with at least two additional criteria which you require consultants to meet.
• Write a short memo or email to your assessor with your selection criteria and an explanation of the reasons why you choose them.
Submit your completed brief and selection criteria to your assessor with a covering memo or email as if you were inviting a company to quote on the work.

What to Submit
Task 3.1 The email should contain a memo of the Project brief and selection criteria (based on the information provided in your Task 2- Market Research Project Plan and provided Market Research Policy and Procedure

Part B: Select an External Consultant
1. Identify external consultants
• Conduct research to identify three providers of market research services who could be contracted to provide the services required.
• Record the names of each of the companies and the services they offer, as well as your reasons for considering that the company may be suitable.

2. Select external consultant

• Assume that quotes have been received from three external consultants as set out below. Review the scenario information and evaluate each consultant against the selection criteria. Select the one you think is best suited for the role.

You have received three quotes from the companies above as outlined below.
• Question and Answer Market Research
Quoted $25,000 plus GST for completion of the work. Can meet the timelines specified in the brief. Four staff will be assigned to the project including two senior members of the team. Suggest using focus groups and one-to-one interviews as the research methodology. Have access to a large database of possible market research respondents. Will conduct all the focus groups in Brisbane and interviews will be by phone and cover a range of respondents nationally.
Company has also provided information on the range of organic products market research it has conducted.
• ColinBryants
Quoted $26,000 plus GST for completion of the work. Can meet the timelines specified in the brief. Two senior members of staff will be assigned to the project. Suggest using focus groups and surveys for conducting market research. Have access to a large database of possible market research respondents. Will conduct one focus group in each capital city. Will email out survey to identify market research respondents.
The company is focussing on its nationwide reputation as a high-quality provider of market research services.
• HandPrints Market Research
Quoted $23,000 plus GST for completion of the work. Can meet the timelines specified in the brief. Four staff will be assigned to the project. Suggest using focus groups and surveys for conducting market research. Will conduct all of the research in Brisbane.
The company has focused on its credibility in terms of working with small to medium sized businesses.

• Submit a communication to your CEO (your assessor) seeking approval to proceed with offering a contract to the consultant. Your communication will need to list the three consultants that you identified in point 1, and will also need to identify the consultant you have selected in point 2 along with an explanation of how they have met the selection criteria.
3. Contract external consultant
• Assume you have received formal approval from the CEO to contract the external consultant. You will need to have a verbal conversation with them to let them know that they have been selected to complete the work. In this verbal conversation you will need to provide a summary of project requirements, timelines and agreed budget and let them know that a formal contract will be sent in the mail the following day.
• During this conversation you must demonstrate effective verbal and non- verbal communication skills, active listening skills and effective questioning techniques.

What to submit:
3.2.1. Identify external consultants

Conduct research to identify three providers of market research services (from three companies listed above) who could be contracted to provide the servicesrequired. Your research should include the services they offer, as well as your reasons for considering that the company may be suitable.

3.2.2. Select external consultant
- Submit a comparison table to review the scenario information of Part B and evaluate each consultant stated in the scenario against the selection criteria (i.e. Cost, timeline, Staff, Research method, Location).
- Select the one you think is best suited for the role

3.2.3 Email
Write an Email to your CEO (your assessor) seeking approval to proceed with offering a contract to the consultant. Your communication will need to list the three consultants that you identified in point 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 along with an explanation of for the selecting the external consultant in 3.2.2.

Part C: Monitor and Manage

1. Monitor work and manage external consultant
• The final part of the assessment task requires you to review the information and to identify appropriate action to be taken. This should include contacting the external consultant to discuss the delays and expected performance, as well as keeping your team up-to-date with variations.

You are required to develop an email to the external consultant with an appropriate response based on the information provided.
- You are also required to develop an email to send to your team with an appropriate response.

All parties will need to receive an updated market research project plan highlighting the variations. Update your action plan in the market research project plan and attach it to the emails
• Ensure that your emails and amended action plan are written in clear and concise English and are free from errors
• Submit your emails and updated plan to the market research team and external consultant (your assessor).


Read the data analysis below and complete the activities that follow.

The market research has been completed. Due to the delay in conducting the focus groups as explained in the previous activity, there was an overall delay of two weeks. The budget has been achieved.
You have received a report from the marketing officer at NatureCare Products that the secondary research conducted internally has identified the following relevant information from a number of secondary sources:
• Organic skin products are in high demand.
• Younger shoppers (under 28) are increasingly seeking organic skin care products.
• Online shopping is becoming increasingly in demand for purchases of organic products generally.
• Two certified organic competitors are seeing steady growth in their sales.
• Organic skin care products for infants are in demand.
You discovered through completing the secondary source research that there was a wealth of information available from these sources and that it may have been better to conduct the secondary research first, before engaging the consultant.
The report from the external consultants regarding the focus groups and one-to-one interviews have provided the following findings:
• Four focus groups comprising of six people were conducted. The six people in the group were all women and were aged over 35.
• One-to-one interviews with 50 people. Each interview lasted ten minutes. Interviews were conducted with 10 men and 40 women. Age ranges were between 30 and 50.
The overall findings from the qualitative research conducted was:
• Value for money is important even for high-end organic or natural skin care products. However, consumers were generally willing to pay more than for mainstream products.
• There was roughly a 50% split on whether organic certification was important or not.
• The men interviewed are also seeking organic skin care products.
Opportunities to purchase in a number of retail outlets, as well as online were sought.

Complete the following activities:
1. Analyse the data and prepare an evaluation report
• Use all of the information above to develop a report for your CEO and senior managers (your assessor). Address in your report:
- The outcomes of the market research
- Performance of the project, noting budgetary issues and timelines
- Your view on the validity and reliability of the data provided from the market research, including the sample size and demographics
- Whether you consider that the right mix of research methods were used

- To what extent the research has provided information against the research objectives specified in your market research project plan.
- Recommended improvements that you would make to the research process in the future including actions for implementation. Make at least one recommendation for change.
• Submit your report to the CEO (your assessor) requesting feedback and an indication of the management team's level of satisfaction on the research process and the research findings.

Task 4.1.
An evaluation report may include the following structure:

• Outcomes of market research

The outcomes of the market research conducted were as follows.

- Secondary Research:

- Primary Research:

• Performance of Project

• Validity and Reliability of Data

• Used Research Methods

• To what extent the research has provided information against the research objectives specified in your market research project plan

• Improvements Recommended

Task 4.2

Updated Market Research Policy and Procedure

Attachment:- Marketing research process.rar

Reference no: EM133003512

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