Explain the concept of co-cultures

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133546583

1. Explain the concept of co-cultures, using examples of co-cultures with which you identify. WHY? (pages 39-41)

2. Are you an expressive talker (express emotions and build relationships with your communication) or an instrumental talker (solve problems and accomplish tasks with your communication)? Use examples to defend your position. Remember, you do not have to be male to use masculine communication and you do not have to be female to use feminine communication. (pages 61-62)

Be sure to use Toulmin's model and label each part in your response:
Claim - make an assertion about the theory
Grounds - Explain a specific communication example from your life
Warrant - So what? How does this uphold the theory? How did this realization impact your communication?

Reference no: EM133546583

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