Explain the components of the policy cycle

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Reference no: EM132208147

Question: This assignment introduces policy and how a policy is formed in Congress. You will learn how policy is developed, what influences policy and the process of policy. Also, a beginning reading will cover governmental structure: the federal constitution, the branches of government, the federal budget process and state constitution. The student will identify and give an overview of a current bill. Also, the current bill should be correlated to the reading in Chapter 1 and 2 of Porche. It is important understand the continuum of policy at its inception to instituting policy.

This assignment does not necessarily require a journal or a news article. You can find a current healthcare bill that is being discussed in congress (there are many) by going to govtrack or congress website.

Upon successful completion of this assignment you should be able to:

• Define and identify types of policy.

• Discuss influencing factors to policy decision-making.

• Explain the components of the policy cycle.

• Review the overview of the government structure.

• Identify the three primary functions of the United States Constitution.

• Research a current health care bill/policy that is being discussed in Congress.

• Incorporate the making of a policy reading into the overview of the bill that was chose

1. Navigate to the threaded discussion and respond to the following:

• Read Chapter 1 and 2 of Health policy.

• Find a bill regarding policy making in Congress. this should be a healthcare policy being discussed.

• Give an overview of the bill specifies. Relate this to what you are read in Chapters 1 and 2 of Health Policy.

• Discuss how this policy might affect health care in the future.

• Make sure this policy is not too broad so you are not able to fully comprehend the impact of passing the policy.

• Who are the key players?

• What is the next step for the bill?

• Be sure to address three of the assignment's outcomes listed above in your post.

Reference no: EM132208147

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