Explain the components of emotional intelligence

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Reference no: EM132686785

Question: Theme 4: Components of Emotional Intelligence

Please assess and be prepared to discuss Sarah's performance around each dimension of emotional intelligence.

• Self-awareness - knowing your strengths, weaknesses, drives, values, and impact on others

• Self-regulation - controlling or redirecting disruptive impulses and moods

• Motivation - relishing achievement for its own sake

• Empathy - understanding other people's emotional makeup

• Social skill - building rapport with others to move them in desired directions

• Theme 5: Putting it into Action

1. How relevant is the managerial/business situation discussed in the case to your company (or to your role in your organization)?

2. If you faced this situation in your organization, given the resources and goals of your organization, what would a realistic action plan be?

3. If you faced this situation in your organization, what would you do differently from the company/manager discussed in the case?

4. What specific action steps could you take to share and implement the positive learning from this case in your organization?

Reference no: EM132686785

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