Explain the components of communicating a brand strategy

Assignment Help Marketing Management
Reference no: EM133525544


  • Outline the relationship between marketing communication and brand development.
  • Explain the components of communicating a brand strategy.
  • Develop a brand messaging architecture using strategic questioning.
  • Analyze customer-focused copy that resonates with the brand messaging architecture.
  • Map a network of internal and external influencers who can advocate for the brand messaging strategy.
  • Recommend an integrated marketing communication plan to decision makers.

Case Scenario:

The CEO of the beverage company you work for has asked you to spearhead the company's next new product release-watermelon water!

With the hugely successful trend of coconut water, your company has spent considerable time and money researching the viability of watermelon water sales and has determined that it is worth diving into the production and sale of this drink.

You will be responsible for developing an integrated marketing communication plan for watermelon water. The CEO wants you to create and give a presentation to them regarding your vision with the watermelon water brand name and overall brand messaging strategy.


Reference no: EM133525544

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