Explain the competitive advantage of your selected company

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM131514435


A strategic management plan addresses four different management functions: environmental scanning, strategy formulation, strategy implementation, evaluation and control. Weeks 3, 4 and 5 individual assignments (Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3) are integrated to generate a strategic management plan. The purpose of the Week 3 individual assignment is to evaluate the internal and external environments of a company selected by the student, to analyze the competitive advantage of the selected company, to evaluate a set of suitable strategies, and to examine appropriate metrics.

This assignment provides students an opportunity to research a selected company as if they were involved in a company's actual strategic management planning process. It allows students to see which management planning process and management plan the selected company is currently using, allowing them to measure the effectiveness of current strategies.

A Strategic Management Plan addresses four different management functions: Environmental Scanning, Strategy Formulation, Strategy Implementation, Evaluation and Control.

Assignments are integrated to generate a Strategic Management Plan. This is Part 1 of the three part Strategic Management Plan.

Assignment Steps

Write a 1,050-word report in which you select a company you are familiar with or a company where you currently work, and do the following:

• Evaluate the internal and external environments of your selected company using an environmental scan.
• Analyze the competitive advantage of your selected company.
• Evaluate the strategies your selected company uses to create value and gain competitive advantage.
• Examine the measurement guidelines your selected company uses to verify its strategic effectiveness.
• Evaluate the effectiveness of the measurement guidelines your selected company uses.

Cite 3 scholarly references, including at least one peer-reviewed reference.

Verified Expert

This assignment if focused on the strategies of pepsico and its internal and external factors. The factors that provide competitive advantage to the company has also been discussed. This assignment also focuses on measurement guidelines followed by the company in order to get competitive advantage over its rivals.

Reference no: EM131514435

Questions Cloud

How do you think elogistics : How do you think eLogistics (logistics/ supply chains/ ICTs) will continue to impact Australian business.
Support the customer buying process : Describe a new fictitious product idea that you believe would be a logical fit for Nestle and its brand promise as well as commercially successful.
How can you encourage employees to think : How can you encourage employees to think, challenge, and collaborate? Provide at least three suggestions.
Identify your conflict management style : Identify your conflict management style. o Share how you would approach your manager and coworker. Discuss possible outcomes of your approach to your manager.
Explain the competitive advantage of your selected company : Explain the competitive advantage of your selected company. Evaluate the strategies your selected company uses to create value and gain competitive advantage.
Convey professional identity : How can a professional portfolio be used to convey your professional identity?
Did it strengthen or weaken the company : 1. How would you describe the way vision was used at Mentor Graphics? 2. Did it strengthen or weaken the company? How? Why?
How above-mentioned external competitive force are affecting : Explain in details how the above-mentioned external competitive forces are affecting the business environment of the industry in general.
Discrete probability distribution : Find an example (or make one up on your own) of a discrete probability distribution. Explain how to calculate the expected value of your distribution.


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