Reference no: EM132919600 , Length: word count:1600
CASE STUDY: Organisational communication
1) Using elements of the communication process, Figure 7.1, explain the communication issues that Dan Jameson faces. Identify the communuication barriers he needs to overcome and recommend what stragies he should adopt to overcome them.
De Janasz, S. C., Crossman, J., Campbell, N., & Power, M. (2014). Interpersonal skills in organisations (Second edition..). McGraw-Hill Education.
2) Consider the topics of power and politicking and identify what strategies Dan Jameson can implement to reduce the negative politicking. Be critical and explain why particular strategies are preferred.
3) Reflect on, and discuss, the issues that Dan Jameson faces with regards to building teams and work groups. Using the characteristics of high-performance teams, what strategies can Dan implement to improve team effectiveness.
4) It appears that Dan is struggling with a leadership dilemma. Considering the characteristics of effective leadership, the importance of empowerment and the challenges of delegation: discuss the challenges that Dan faces and provide recommendations as to how Dan can overcome those challenges.
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