Explain the benefits of normalization

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13694498

Question 1: Describe two ways redundancy infiltrates a database. Hint: Think about the difference between text boxes as data inputs and drop-down selection lists - one better controls the quality of data you enter! Another hint is to reflect on lookup tables. Note: Please do not state by "not normalizing the database". Be more specific and creative!

Question 2: Explain one characteristic of a database that has data redundancy. Note: Redundancy in our context is not a good thing!

Question 3: Briefly explain the benefits of normalization and why we should implement it when designing databases

Question 4: Provide an example of a table or database that is in first normal form and explain how you would bring it to 3NF.
Solve these questions in details and provide examples to support your rationale.

Reference no: EM13694498

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Explain the benefits of normalization : Explain one characteristic of a database that has data redundancy and Briefly explain the benefits of normalization and why we should implement it when designing databases
Characteristic of a database that has data redundancy : Explain one characteristic of a database that has data redundancy. Note: Redundancy in our context is not a good thing
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