Reference no: EM131411069
Assignment: Professional Presentation
Step 1:
Choose one of the following topics that you are interested in:
• Effective use of cross-cultural communications in a multicultural setting
• Providing effective and professional constructive feedback to peers or in a leadership role
• The benefits and use of effective listening skills
• Using nonverbal and verbal communication skills to effectively express and represent yourself
Step 2:
Choose an audience for your presentation.
• For example, perhaps you are in a leadership role at Y Company and you want to train others on how to provide professional constructive feedback. Therefore, your audience could be managers at Y Company.
• Based on who your audience is, think about knowledge that they most likely will already have.
Step 3:
Download and complete the Unit 2 IP Template.
• Within the template, you will fill in specific information in both the slide and notes section. This will serve as an outline and set you up to produce a rough draft presentation in the next unit.
Attachment:- Unit-2_IP_Template.rar
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