Explain the background of your project

Assignment Help Applied Statistics
Reference no: EM131295221

The purpose of this project is to apply the concepts and tools of regression to explore the relationship between two or more quantitative variables of your team's choice. Your assignment is to select data that interests your team, analyze your results statistically, and present your findings in a narrative style paper and presentation. Your paper should be typed and edited and include relevant charts, graphs and tables. Additionally, the paper should be explain the background of your project and detail the analysis performed by the team. The presentation should last about 10 minutes and summarize the key points outlined in the paper and present the group's results.

Your data set must include at least 30 data points for each variable. Your data should include one variable that you will consider the response variable (to be predicted) and one or more explanatory variables (preferably more than one). You can collect your data either from the internet or another reference source, or by designing your own survey or experiment. There are many sources of data on the internet. Be sure to mention in your report how, where and when you collected the data and any potential measurement problems with the data. Please email me your group's topic and data source that you plan to use in your project no later than Friday, October 28, 2016. Failure to submit a topic in a timely fashion will result in lost points.

Other topics to address in your paper should include but are not limited to:

- Scatter plot(s) of your data
- Calculation of the correlation coefficient
- Calculation of the residual values
- Treatment of outliers, if any
- Regression line / formula / other outputs
- Interpretation of your results
- Predicting values
- Non-Linear Regression options

Suggestions for your paper:
- Use section headings, and perhaps sub-headings, to organize your report
- Make the report look nice with good formatting and well-placed page breaks
- Integrate clean looking graphs directly into your paragraphs
- Support your conclusions with clear references to graphical and/or numerical summaries and computer output
- Edit computer output (no need for long decimal numbers) before including it in your report and only include the necessary parts
- Include a well-written introduction and conclusion.
- Be very careful with your statistical language, particularly terms like "random", "correlation", "effect" and "significant"

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This is a regression project about effect of various predictor variables domestic box office revenue. This project involves data analysis where we regressed box office revenues with multiple independent variables. We included various graphs, correlation matrix and statistical results to prove our point.

Reference no: EM131295221

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11/30/2016 12:54:41 AM

Question :Data analysis, including those parts: -Inserting and properly labeling/explaining graphs -Expand on data model -Correlation coefficient This is a group project and I would expect that all group members contribute to the paper, presentation and analysis. The intention is that all members of the group will receive the same grade. However, I reserve the right to assign a different score to group members if I feel that participation levels are not equal. Please send me an email acknowledging that you know who else is on your project team and that you have contacted all other members of the team to exchange contact information, etc Failure to send this email will result in lost points.

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