Explain the assumptions of repeated measure anova

Assignment Help Applied Statistics
Reference no: EM131098535

Smart Alex's Tasks-

Task 1- It is common that lecturers obtain reputations for being 'hard' or 'light' markers (or to use the students' terminology 'evil manifestations from Beelzebub's bowels' and 'nice people') but there is often little to substantiate these reputations. A group of students investigated the consistency of marking by submitting the same essays to four different lecturers. The mark given by each lecturer was recorded for each of the eight essays. The independent variable was the lecturer who marked the essays and the dependent variable was the percentage mark given. The data are in the file TutorMarks.sav. Conduct a one-way ANOVA on these data by hand.

Task 2- Repeat the analysis for Task 1 in SPSS and interpret the results.

Task 3- Calculate the effect sizes for the analysis in Task 1.

Task 4- The 'roving eye' effect is the propensity of people in relationships to 'eye up' members of the opposite sex. I took 20 men and fitted them with incredibly sophisticated glasses that could track their eye movements and record both the movement and the object being observed (this is the point at which it should be apparent that I'm making it up as I go along). Over four different nights I plied these poor souls with 1, 2, 3 or 4 pints of strong lager in a nightclub. Each night I measured how many different women they eyed up (a woman was categorized as having been eyed up if the man's eye moved from her head to her toe and back up again). The data are in the file RovingEye.sav. Analyse them with a one-way ANOVA?

The assignment:

Complete Smart Alex's Task 2 on p. 589 to perform an analysis of variance with repeated measures using the TutorMarks.sav dataset from the Field text. You can follow the steps outlined on pp. 555-565 as a guide.

Report your findings in APA format according to the guidelines in the PASW Application Assignment Guidelines handout. The final document should be 2-3 pages long

Link with data(tutorMark.sav)


Applications Assignment Requirements

 When you read the SPSS Application Assignment (Repeated Measure ANOVA) assignments requirements, you'll see that that you must complete the following:

1) Write a Null and Alternative Hypothesis.

2) Explain the assumptions of Repeated Measure (RM) ANOVA and test the assumptions of RM-ANOVA (test for Sphericity) and report the results of these tests to determine if the data met the assumptions in correct APA format.

 3) Report the group sample sizes and type of statistical analysis, also report means, 95% CI for means, SDs, SE, adjusted means. Plot the means.

4) Report and interpret the F-ratio, the p-value for F, and the effect size.

5) Report the type of post hoc test conducted and the results from the post hoc test (accessed in options)

6) What conclusions can be drawn from the study?

7) Create APA formatted tables for the means and ANOVA

8) Create the syntax to run the analysis.  You must be able to reproduce the syntax which I've created below.  The spss output file must be sybmitted as a separate file to the dropbox.

9) For the SPSS Application Assignment, (Each week) You will be submitting two documents to the Dropbox, these are 1) Your APA Style Summary of the Results as an ms-word file (*.doc or *.docx file), you should model your summary after my sample summary;  and 2) the spss output file (the actual output created by spss).

As you know I requested that you submit your questions on this assignment before the weekend. Thanks to those that did, and I can only assume that those that don't completely understand the analysis, the assumptions, the follow-up tests, and how to summarize the results. Thank you for reading this post and good luck.

Attachment:- Assignment.rar

Reference no: EM131098535

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