Explain the appropriateness of the data analysis techniques

Assignment Help Dissertation
Reference no: EM131091774 , Length: word count:15000

The dissertation should be structured and presented as near as possible to the structure provided below in the guidelines section

Guidelines Please read carefully or you could end up penalising yourself.

Structure of Dissertation

Abstract - This is a short section (maximum one page), which concisely summarises the whole of the dissertation; the main aim of the research, the findings of the Literature Review, the research methodology adopted, the findings of your primary research and the conclusions made. It should be written in the past tense.

Contents Page - This should be written on a separate page and should show chapter/section headings and page numbers. It should include all appendices and be followed by separate lists of tables and figures if appropriate.

Introduction - introduction should contain the topic clearly stated and defined, the reason why it is of interest to us, a clear overall purpose and definitions of all special and general terms. This chapter should also end with a clear research question or questions, a list of objectives and a hypothesis or hypotheses if needed.

Literature Review - This chapter should demonstrate that we have conducted a thorough and critical investigation of relevant sources, outlining, comparing and discussing key ideas, explanations, concepts, models and theories. we should present these ideas in a systematic, well-structured and logical sequence.we r expected to use prominent and up-todate books and academic journals. This chapter should end with a statement of the gap in current knowledge which your research aims to fill.

Methodology - This chapter describes and assesses the approach we have taken to the data collection process (research philosophy, research strategy, method(s), validity etc.) For each research question or hypothesis and objectives we should have a method for achieving it, making sure that we offer clear rationales for the decisions that we have made. we should explicitly describe our chosen method(s) and any sampling techniques used. It is also important to give a brief assessment of other potential relevant data collection methods and why we discounted them. Do not describe all data collection methods. There should be a critique of the success, or otherwise, of our method(s). Explain the appropriateness of the data analysis techniques that we have selected. we must also discuss validity, reliability and generalisability.

Findings / Results - In this chapter the data generated should be reported as completely and neutrally as is possible such that the reader can assess it easily. This is where you will include such tables and graphs that will illustrate our findings. This chapter will also contain verbatim quotes from interviewees, or sections of narrative account that illustrate periods of unstructured observation. The purpose of this chapter is to present the facts. It is not appropriate in this chapter to begin to offer opinions on the facts.

Analysis /Discussion of Findings

we should present our analysis clearly and logically and it should be relevant to your research aim, research question(s), hypothesis (es) and objectives. Make sure that we relate the findings of our primary research to your Literature Review. we can do this by comparison: discussing similarities and particularly differences. If we think our findings have confirmed some literature findings, say so and say why. If we think our findings are at variance with the literature, say so and say why.

Conclusions/ Recommendations

Stating the main conclusions of our dissertation. State explicitly how and to what extent we have met our aims and objectives / answered our research question(s) / proved our hypothesis (es) whichever is appropriate. our conclusions should follow logically from our findings and not contain any new material. Recommendations can be made if appropriate.

Appendices, illustrations etc

Any necessary information should be here, for example, sampled questionnaires, topic guides, etc. Each appendix should be lettered (A, B, C etc.) and should consist of detailed information that is interesting but not essential to the main thrust of our findings section

References Full references to every source used, presented in the format of the Harvard System of Referencing.

· Presentation of the Dissertation

The dissertation should conform to the following standards:

Length -between 15,000 and 20,000 words

The word count should be written on your feedback sheet.

· Quotes and the References List are not included in the word count

· The dissertation should be word-processed


· can use any font style available (as long as it is legible). Once we have chosen a style be consistent, do not change to another.

· Font size 11 to be used. The size of chapter headings and section headings are left to your discretion but should not be unduly large.

Bolding and Italics
· It is normal to bold just the headings
· Italicise our quotations
· Do not italicise or underline any text that we think is important

· All page number should be numbered in Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3 etc.)
· Page 1 is the first page of the Introduction
· The sections that come before the Introduction are usually numbered with small Roman numerals (i, ii, iii, iv etc.)
· All page numbers should be at the bottom centre of the page

· Margins at the binding edge must not be less than 40mm (1.5 inches) and other margins not less than 20mm (0.75 inch)


· 1.5 spacing should be used for all text
· However, indented quotations should have single line spacing

Chapters and Section Headings

· Each chapter should have a title
· Section headings should be used and be numbered
· The system of numbering should be consistent
· Each chapter should be started on a new sheet of paper.

Tables and Figures
· Where tables and figures (graphs, charts and diagrams) are used they should, as far as possible, be given margins equal to or greater than a page of text
· They should be displayed or pasted into the dissertation as near as possible to the relevant text.
· Each one should be numbered consecutively, for example, Table 1, Figure 1, etc
· All Tables and Figures should clearly state their source

· Word Limit - 15,000-20,000 Words + References & Appendices

· Referencing style - The Harvard Referencing System must be used. No Wikipedia.

Verified Expert

Reference no: EM131091774

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9/19/2016 9:38:31 AM

Hi Expertsmind... today i got my outcomes and i have successfully finished my my masters degree.. the model dissertation work, which u sent me was amazing and i should express profound gratitude in particular.. when i got ur work i even didnt express profound gratitude ... i am extremely sad for that. yet, this time i am exceptionally glad and at the end of the day thanks in reality. take care


9/19/2016 9:35:36 AM

I would recommend moving section 4.2 Discussion into Chapter 5. Chapter 4 should really just be for results data with a few sentences of description for reader clarity. - With this in mind, you might look to provide more raw data (if available) from your collection process and/or create charts that are easier to read and designed in a way to catch attention. Maybe some larger font sizes and graphic representations of data will help to achieve this aim and make your results easier to understand from a visual perspective. - a good course of action and organisation is to revisit your research objectives and/or hypotheses to see if you were able to accomplish or prove them. You should also provide clear recommendations related to both the future path of the industry you discuss and future research in the area you cover. - This can be pretty straight forward. Your ideas are acceptable, though you should add any additional data, information or resources that helped inform your creation of a data collection system that do not appear in the reference list. Additionally, any explanations of rationale or additional information from respondents can be included.


9/19/2016 9:35:22 AM

Appendices, illustrations etc Chapter should include the purple text Any necessary information should be here, for example, sampled questionnaires, topic guides, etc. Each appendix should be lettered (A, B, C etc.) and should consist of detailed information that is interesting but not essential to the main thrust of your findings section. Chapter 4 is well discussed. However, you should consider creating graphs or charts to better represent the responses to your questions given the percentages and other figures you provide. The graphs and charts needed for Chapter 4 were already created but they were present in Chapter 5 which was not correct. So, I incorporated the same in Chapter 4. Where tables and figures (graphs, charts and diagrams) are used they should, as far as possible, be given margins equal to or greater than a page of text. They should be displayed or pasted into the dissertation as near as possible to the relevant text. Each one should be numbered consecutively, for example, Table 1, Figure 1, etc. All Tables and Figures should clearly state their source ( PLZ GIVE CREDIT FOR THE PIC USED )


9/19/2016 9:35:09 AM

Fourthly, progress in technology might lead towards reducing scale managerial diseconomies. IT advancements might result in improving control and monitoring across major banks more than across smaller financial institutes. Such technologies might result in making it easy to managers of major banks to consider monitoring the staffing behaviour, reducing problems of agency and properly considering alignment of incentives across the banking institute. Newer technologies might further help in spotting issues of operations and keep profit tracking along with tracking the associate risks with distinct operations. Additionally, most of the advancements under finance based technologies have their basis over information which is hardly quantifiable and verified. The sample questionnaire has blank spaces where participants had to ttick for the response they think is best suited. The questions of the questionnaire are as per the research question. Also, I do not have any topic guide or anything to add in the appendix. Only the questionnaire is essential from my perspective as writing anything else will require more word count.


9/19/2016 9:34:53 AM

2.3 Mapping models of E-banking to new technologies and 4.2 Discussion Both have the following • To determine the right product, pricing and financial advice for the customer, a Big 4 Australian bank uses information obtained from transactions of customers • To develop appropriate product recommendations for individual customers, Big 4 Australian bank has advisors feed analytical questions which are phrased in plain English into cognitive computing software, which uses customer data In this chapter please include Any necessary information should be here, forexample, sampled questionnaires, topic guides, etc. Each appendix should be lettered (A, B, C etc.) and should consist of detailed information that is interesting but not essential to the main thrust of your findings section.


9/19/2016 9:34:10 AM

2.3 Mapping models of E-banking to new technologies and 4.2 Discussion Both have the following • To determine the right product, pricing and financial advice for the customer, a Big 4 Australian bank uses information obtained from transactions of customers • To develop appropriate product recommendations for individual customers, Big 4 Australian bank has advisors feed analytical questions which are phrased in plain English into cognitive computing software, which uses customer data. 2) 4.2 discussions , the following paragraph is mentioned two times within the same chapter in 4.2.


9/19/2016 9:27:22 AM

A Reference List at the end of your paper will full source citations is necessary. There are rules to follow regarding the format of each reference and the list itself, so please do comply with the standards of the HRS. Additionally, you must include parenthetical referencing within the body of your paper to indicate which source from your reference list supplied the information you provide in the dissertation. This must be done each time you use source information, including the last name of the author and publication date of the source in your reference. This type of referencing also has specific rules for formatting and use. All information regarding the Harvard Referencing System (HRS) can be found using online searches. However, we provide each student with a guide, located in the Programme Resources tab of your Induction module. This will require some reading and research on your end if you are unfamiliar with the HRS, but it is essential to avoiding plagiarism and scoring well on your dissertation.


9/19/2016 9:27:15 AM

Sections 1.1 and 1.2 of your Introduction need in-text, parenthetical referencing according to the Harvard Referencing System format. Please review this information and reference the data you provide in the form of statistics and other specific information about the topic and industry. Introduction is fair. You might consider reformatting your hypotheses and research questions/objectives, though this is not necessary. You should also provide a parenthetical reference in 1.5, and possibly 1.6.


9/19/2016 9:26:45 AM

It should include subsections dependant on your research and discuss a variety of theory and models in the field as well as other pertinent information found during your research. You can structure this in a variety of ways though some of the most popular are by relevant topic, by article, and by theory. This literature chapter should also demonstrate that about how a thorough and critical investigation of relevant sources, outlining, comparing and discussing key ideas, explanations, concepts, models and theories were conducted . we should present these ideas in a systematic, well-structured and logical sequence. we will be expected to use prominent and up-to-date books and academic journals. This chapter should end with a statement of the gap in current knowledge which our research aims to fill. If expert needs any clarification, plz let me know.


9/19/2016 9:26:34 AM

Action Plan - REMARK - Please note the 15,000 words should be spread between 6 chapters as follow :- 1) Introduction 2) Literature review 3) Methodology 4) Findings / results 5) Analysis / discussion of findings 6) Conclusions and recommendation The following 2 chapters must be compulsorily added but their words should not be counted in the 15k list 7) Appendices, illustrations etc. 8) References For the time being lets just focus on the first two chapters being introduction and literature review. By next week we can focus on the another two more chapters. Shall let u know on what more needs to be done with the “introduction” chapter. In the meantime , u can proceed ahead with the next chapter “Literature Review” . this chapter should be about 10-20 pages in length (size 10-12 font, double-spaced).


9/19/2016 9:26:01 AM

introduction chapter must include a topic background, industry background, and research aim along with objectives, research questions, hypotheses, and limitations. Please create these subsections within the chapter and respond to each accordingly. Literature Review chapter should be about 10-20 pages in length (size 10-12 font, double-spaced). It should include subsections dependant on research and discuss a variety of theory and models in the field as well as other pertinent information found during our research. We can structure this in a variety of ways though some of the most popular are by relevant topic, by article, and by theory.


9/19/2016 9:25:49 AM

I am looking for dissertation for that assignment, strictly adhering to the guidelines attached with this email. Previous assignment provided by you (15227294_1EM13739495_ Solution) is also attached for your reference. Please take a look at attached Guidelines & previous assignment and let me know. For the data analysis part, if SPSS is needed or any technical analysis is required using software, i'll let u know. please provide an outline for the dissertation "Impact of technology on the business processes of banking industry" following an appropriate structure for the research. appropriate referencing in harvard style.

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