Explain the advantage of using arrays as the primary index

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM13892856

For each of the data structures (DS) listed below, you will state in 1 or 2 sentences only the advantage for using that DS as the primary index, the disadvantage of using that DS as the primary index, the advantage for using that DS as the secondary index, and the disadvantage of using that DS as the secondary index. 4 points per part or 16 points for each DS (primary and secondary) or 64 points total for 4 DS's.

1) Arrays

2) Dynamic Array

3) Double linked-list

4) Binary Search Tree

Now, state which DS you would use for the primary index and why (2 points for the DS, 6 points for the 3 to 5 sentences for your reasoning).

Then, state which DS you would use for the secondary indexes (if there is a difference between string and integer) and why (2 points for the DS, 6 points for the 3 to 5 sentences for your reasoning).

Reference no: EM13892856

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