Explain the action potential in cardiac contractile cells

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133475680


1. Describe the three distinct layers that make up the heart wall.

2. What role do the chordae tendineae and papillary muscles play in the normal function of the AV valves?

3. Why is it important for impulses from the atria to be delayed at the AV node before they pass into the ventricles?

4. Explain the action potential in cardiac contractile cells.

5. If the cardio-inhibitory center of the medulla were damaged, which part of the autonomic nervous system would be affected and how would the heart be influenced?

6. Trace the normal pathway of an electrical impulse through the conducting system of the heart.

7. Explain Cardiac output, Stroke volume, End-diastolic volume and end systolic volume.

8. List and explain the phases of cardiac cycle.

9. Vern is suffering from cardiac arrhythmias and is bought into the emergency room of a hospital. In the emergency room he begins to exhibit tachycardia and as a result loses consciousness. Explain why Vern lost consciousness.

10. What effect would an increase in venous return have on the stroke volume (SV)?

Reference no: EM133475680

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