Explain techniques for distributed data placement

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13312407

Distributed Databases

A few years have passed, and the restaurant has grown to become a national restaurant chain. Now, they are concerned that remote and branch offices and restaurants in all fifty states will not have ready access to the data. Your supervisor has asked you to write a report to address the concerns of the customer and figure out how to expand the single server / single location database so the other 500 locations will be able to access and update the system.

Write a 2-3 page paper in which you:

List three (3) reasons why an organization may have a need for distributed databases and best practices for implementation of distributed database.

List and explain:

The software and hardware components of a distributed database.

Techniques for distributed data placement.

Strategies for distributed query processing.

Briefly explain how an organization would allow programmatic access to a database through the Internet.

Please make any or all appropriate assumptions to answer the following.

Propose a solution for the national restaurant chain on a distributed database system that will work for them.

Create a diagram using Visio, Microsoft Paint, or other graphical creation utility of your choosing to illustrate the diagrams supporting your conclusion. Note: The graphically depicted solution is not included in the required page length.

Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.
double space, new time roman, etc.

Reference no: EM13312407

Questions Cloud

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Explain the enthalpy change when mol methane : The enthalpy change when 1 mol methane (CH4) is burned is -890 kJ. It takes 44.0 kJ to vaporize 1 mol water. What mass of methane must be burned to provide the heat needed to vaporize 1.00 g of water
Explain techniques for distributed data placement : Create a diagram using Visio, Microsoft Paint, or other graphical creation utility of your choosing to illustrate the diagrams supporting your conclusion. Note: The graphically depicted solution is not included in the required page length.
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What was the ball''s launch angle : A physics student on Planet Exidor throws a ball, and it follows the parabolic trajectory, What was the ball's launch angle
Explain the observed specific rotation of the mixture : If a pure R isomer has a specific rotation of -133.0°, and a sample contains 64.0% of the R isomer and 36.0% of its enantiomer, what is the observed specific rotation of the mixture
What frequency of sound do the students hear : A team of tornado-chasing meteorology graduate students is out in search of tornados. What frequency of sound do the students hear


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