Explain team dynamics in relation to managing meetings

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Reference no: EM132630024

BSBADM502 Manage Meetings

Question 1

Outline the following meeting terminology, structure and arrangements.
Terminology, structure and arrangements
Meeting arrangements:
Estimated duration
Number of participants
Question 2

Outline the responsibilities of the chairperson.

Question 3

Explain team dynamics in relation to managing meetings. (50-100 words)

Question 4

Briefly describe the following meeting formats:
Team building meetings
Information-sharing meetings

Question 5

Read the meeting procedures for committee meetings at LaTrobe University :
List five (5) responsibilities of the Committee Chair.
List four (4) procedural matters the Chair is responsible for.
What is the process to clear the draft minutes after a meeting?
When does the Chair declare the meeting open?
How does the meeting commence? List the essential steps.
How does voting work?

BSBRSK501 Manage risk

Question 1

Address the following questions:
Why are risk management standards important?
(30-50 words)
What are the key elements of risk management standards? List 3-4/

Question 2

Briefly describe the legislative and regulatory context of an organisation in relation to risk management. What does it include (think about the internal and external business environment)? Why is it important?

Question 3

List and describe three (3) typical organisational policies, procedures and processes for risk management.

BSBADM502 Manage meetings

Task 2 - Prepare for meetings


1. Review the assessment scenario, the business documentation, including policies and procedures and the templates provided:
o Appendix 1 - Scenario at the end of this document which includes relevant policies and procedures
o Templates:
• 1 - Meeting requirements form in Task 2.1A
• 2 - Meeting preparation action plan in Task 2.1B
• 3 - Meeting Agenda in Task 2.1 C
• 4 - Email in Task 2.1 D

2. You are the Product Development Manager at Adept Owl.
Adept Owl is an Australian developer, publisher and distributor of dice, card and board games for all ages.

3. Read the Adept Owl Games Company simulated business information provided in Appendix 1 at the end of this document.

4. The CEO asked you to organise a meeting to address one of the topics describes in TABLE A.

5. Choose one of the following topics for the meeting from TABLE A.

6. Choose a topic for the meeting.

7. Identify participants from the organisational chart provided in Appendix 1; consider external guests.

8. Determine the meeting requirements considering:
• The duration of the meeting should not exceed two (2) hours
• Catering for morning or afternoon tea is required with a maximum budget of $ 250
Review Appendix 1 for the menu.
• Additional approved budget $750
• One of the participants has a physical disability and uses a wheelchair
• One participant is vegan, and one participant is celiac
• The location will be the boardroom (max participants is 8)
A layout is provided.

9. Complete a meeting requirements form (Template 1)

10. Complete a preparation action plan (Template 2)

11. Develop and circulate a meeting agenda (Template 3 and Template 4)

12. Consider what additional documentation you should provide participants with before the meeting (example: links to websites, product information, etc..

Complete the following activities:
You are the Product Development Manager at Adept Owl.
Adept Owl is an Australian developer, publisher and distributor of dice, card and board games for all ages.
Read the Adept Owl Games Company simulated business information provided in Appendix 1 at the end of this document.
The CEO asked you to organise a meeting to address one of the topics describes in TABLE A.
Choose one of the following topics for the meeting from TABLE A below:
TABLE A -Topic
1 Develop an application to take board games online.
• Brainstorm ideas about what board game is most suitable for online application:
o Monopoly
o Mastermind
o Connect4
o Scrabble
o Battleship
o Cluedo
• Define the target customer
• Develop a slogan to launch the product
2 Develop an idea for a new educational board game for kids (6-8 years old).
• Brainstorm possible themes:
o Nature
o Sustainability
o History
o Geography
o Science
• Describe what the board game will look like and what the rules for the game could be (example: number of players)
• Decide on the price point for the board game
3 Develo an idea to freshen up the Adept Owl brand to appeal to younger generations.
• Brainstorm ideas for changes to the logo, and new ideas for taglines, and the core marketing message
• Decide on the advertising platforms
• Decide on influencers that could be engaged to support the marketing campaign
4 Develop an idea for a video on a social media platform that could go viral and support brand recognition.
• The video should be fun, no longer than 30 seconds and should not cost more than $15,000
• Describe the video content and select a social media platform

Task 2.1 Prepare for the meeting

Address the following:
1. Choose a topic for the meeting
Note: you will have to expand on the content of the meeting based on the topic of choice
2. Identify participants from the organisational chart provided in Appendix 1.
Note: you could invite external guests such as subject matter experts. Consider if external guests may require accommodation and that if the accommodation may be covered by the allocated budget.
3. Determine the meeting requirements considering:
• The duration of the meeting should not exceed two (2) hours
• Catering for morning or afternoon tea is required with a maximum budget of $ 250
Note: review Appendix 1 for menu.
• Additional approved budget $750
• One of the participants has a physical disability and uses a wheelchair
• One participant is vegan, and one participant is celiac
• The location will be the boardroom 2 (max capacity is 14)

Note: you will have to determine and plan for additional requirements to best assist with the meeting of choice.
4. Complete a meeting requirements form
5. Complete a preparation action plan
6. Develop and circulate a meeting agenda
7. Consider what additional documentation you should provide participants with before the meeting (example: links to websites, product information, etc..)

B) Meeting preparation action plan
Develop a meeting preparation action plan (five actions) using Template 2. Refer to the organisational chart in Appendix 1 to assign responsibility for each task.

C) Meeting Agenda

Prepare the meeting agenda using Template 3.
• Select minute taker from the organisational chart in Appendix 1
• 4-6 items for discussion based on the topic of choice

D) Email to participants

Write an email invitation to the attendees using Template 3, at least 24 hours prior to the meeting:
• Explain the purpose of the meeting and its structure.
• The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.
• Attach any relevant document, including the Agenda (for external guests who do not have access to the internal drive).
• Provide a file path for the internal staff to find the Agenda.
Please note: The agenda filename includes the meeting type and date (e.g. ‘Agenda-StaffMeeting-220520XX.docx'), and is stored in the ‘Meeting Agendas' folder on the Administration server:
Administration > Internal > Staff Meetings > Meeting Agendas

BSBRSK501 Manage risk

Task 2 - Establish risk context and plan for risk management
For the MacVille Pty Ltd simulated business scenario provided, you are required to assume the role of Brisbane store Assistant Manager, Ash, who has just been promoted to be Manager of a new store. Ash has been tasked with conducting a risk management analysis of this new venture.

For this task you are required to:

• determine the risk context associated with establishing a new business outlet within the existing business structure. You will be required to review internal and external environment factors, obtain support for activities and liaise with relevant stakeholders to identify risks.
• analyse the risks you identified in the simulated business scenario to assess the likelihood and consequence of risks, evaluate and prioritise risks, and determine options for treatment. You are also required to develop a risk management action plan for the treatment of risks and communicate it to relevant stakeholders.

To complete this task, please refer to Appendix 1 - Scenario at the end of this assessment document.

This task comprises of product-based assessment methods, and direct observation Role Playsin a simulated work environment.

It has been designed to evaluate your ability to:

• Review organisational processes, procedures and requirements for undertaking risk management in accordance with current risk management standards
• Determine scope for risk management process
• Identify internal and external stakeholders and their issues
• Review political, economic, social, legal, technological and policy context
• Review strengths and weaknesses of existing arrangements
• Document critical success factors, goals or objectives for area included in scope
• Obtain support for risk management activities
• Communicate with relevant parties about the risk management process and invite participation
• Invite relevant parties to assist in the identification of risks
• Research risks that may apply to scope
• Use tools and techniques to generate a list of risks that apply to the scope, in consultation with relevant parties
• Assess likelihood of risks occurring
• Assess impact or consequence if risks occur
• Evaluate and prioritise risks for treatment
• Determine and select most appropriate options for treating risks
• Develop an action plan for implementing risk treatment
• Communicate risk management processes to relevant parties

You are required to address the following:
• Task 2.1 Establish risk context
o Develop a risk context report
o Present to an audience of relevant stakeholders to obtain support for risk management activities
• Task 2.2 Risk management plan
o Write an email to pertinent stakeholders
o Develop a risk management plan
• Task 2.3 Communicate risk management processes to relevant parties
o Present the risk plan to an audience of relevant stakeholders

1. Review the assessment scenario, the business documentation, including policies and procedures and the templates provided:
o Appendix 1 - Scenario at the end of this document which includes relevant policies and procedures
o Appendix 2 - Scenario for Task 2.1
o Appendix 3 - Additional Information for Task 2.2
o Templates:
• 1- Risk Context Report in Task 2.1 A
• 2 - Email in Task 2.2A
• 3 - Risk Plan in Task 2.2B

2. For the MacVille Pty Ltd simulated business scenario provided, you are required to assume the role of Brisbane store Assistant Manager, Ash, who has just been promoted to be Manager of a new store. Ash has been tasked with conducting a risk management analysis of this new venture.

3. You will determine the risk context associated with establishing a new business outlet within the existing business structure. You will review internal and external environment factors, obtain support for activities and liaise with relevant stakeholders to identify risks.

4. You are required to establish the risk context and write a report (Template 1) directed to the CEO. To write the Risk context report:
• Perform a review of the organisational processes, procedures and requirements for undertaking risk management in accordance with current risk management standards
• Determine scope for the risk management process
• Identify internal and external stakeholders and their issues
• Review the macro business environment
• Review strengths and weaknesses of current arrangements
• Document critical success factors, goals or objectives for the area in scope
Once the report is completed:
• Obtain support for the risk management activities and promote engagement when communicating with relevant parties about the risk management process

5. Review the MacVille simulated business scenario (Appendix 1) and the information provided in Appendix 2 (Scenario for Task 2.1).

6. Develop the risk context report (Template 1)

7. Schedule a time with the trainer and assessor in week 3 of class and obtain support for risk management activities when communicating with relevant parties about the risk management process.
The pertinent stakeholders (CEO and Managers in the organisation) will be played by a group of classmates in a simulated work environment (Role-Play).
Duration: 15 minutes.

8. The trainer and assessor will evaluate your performance during the Role-Play and provide feedback on the marking sheet.
If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to make alternative arrangements with the trainer and assessor to perform the Role-Play

Before the presentation
• Prepare a short (4-6 slides) PowerPoint presentation:
• Outline the importance of risk management activities
• Provide an overview of how a risk management process works
• Present the success factors, goals and objectives as determined in your risk context report
• Invite participation in the risk management process
Note: submit the PowerPoint with your assessment

During the presentation
• Present the content of the PowerPoint
• Engage the audience and encourage questions
• Provide information and data as required
• Seek approval and support for the risk management activities
• Obtain approval and support for the risk management activities

After the presentation
Reflect on the Role-Play and summarise your reflection addressing the following points:
• What questions and feedback did you receive from the stakeholders?
• Were you able to provide the required information?
• How did you obtain approval and support for the risk management activities? (Example: using communication or negotiation tactics)
• What did you do well? What could you improve?

9. Document your reflection in the space provided.

10. Write an email (Template 2) to pertinent stakeholders inviting them to assist with identification of risks.

11. Develop a Risk Management plan. To develop the plan:
• Read the scenario and information provided (Appendix 1,2 and 3) to research risks that may apply to scope
• Use tools and techniques to identify, analyse risks (6-8)
• Determine the most appropriate risk treatment option for each risk
• Develop an action plan for implementing risk treatment

12. Use the template provided (Template 3). Follow the instructions.

13. Schedule a time with the trainer and assessor in week 4 of class and communicate the risk management processes to relevant parties.
The group of pertinent stakeholders (the CEO and relevant Managers) attending this meeting will be played by a group of classmates in a simulated work environment (Role-Play).
The trainer and assessor will evaluate your performance during the Role-Play.
If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to make alternative arrangements with the trainer and assessor to perform the Role-Play.

Before the meeting
• Complete the Risk Management Plan
• Prepare one or more copies of the plans or present it in soft copy using a laptop and/or projector.
• Prepare to present the risk management processes and answer questions from the audience.

During the meeting
• Present the Risk Management Plan
• Use communication techniques to encourage opinions, and confirm and clarify understanding
• Refer to organisational processes, procedures and requirements relevant to risk management
• Consult and negotiate the risk processes with the stakeholders, gathering feedback

After the meeting
• List the changes to the plan that were agreed on with the stakeholders. Document the list in the space provided below:
• Apply the agreed changes to the Risk Management Plan, finalising your plan. Please note that the assessor will check that the changes listed above are applied to the Risk Management Plan submitted with your assessment.

Although the assessment requires group collaboration to simulate a work environment, the assessment submission is individual, and it will be marked as such.

Task 2.1 Establish risk context

For the MacVille Pty Ltd simulated business scenario provided, you are required to assume the role of Brisbane store Assistant Manager, Ash, who has just been promoted to be Manager of a new store. Ash has been tasked with conducting a risk management analysis of this new venture.
You will determine the risk context associated with establishing a new business outlet within the existing business structure. You will review internal and external environment factors, obtain support for activities and liaise with relevant stakeholders to identify risks.
You are required to establish the risk context and write a report directed to the CEO. To write the Risk context report:
• Perform a review of the organisational processes, procedures and requirements for undertaking risk management in accordance with current risk management standards
• Determine scope for the risk management process
• Identify internal and external stakeholders and their issues
• Review the macro business environment
• Review strengths and weaknesses of current arrangements
• Document critical success factors, goals or objectives for the area in scope
Once the report is completed:
• Obtain support for the risk management activities and promote engagement when communicating with relevant parties about the risk management process
Review the MacVille simulated business scenario (Appendix 1) and the information provided in Appendix 2 (Scenario for Task 2.1).
A) Risk Context Report
Develop a Risk Context Report (Template 1).
Ensure your report is written in a style appropriate to your stakeholder audience, for example, using appropriate language and including appropriate illustrative material (such as checklists, diagrams or flow charts) and attachments to support your findings and process.
Use Template 1 and complete as instructed.

B) Support for risk management activities

Schedule a time with the trainer and assessor in week 3 of class and obtain support for risk management activities when communicating with relevant parties about the risk management process.
The pertinent stakeholders (CEO and Managers in the organisation) will be played by a group of classmates in a simulated work environment (Role-Play)/
Duration: 15 minutes.

Task 2.2Risk Plan

For this task, you are to use the information you gathered in Assessment Task 1, along with the simulated business information provided, to examine the likelihood and consequence of identified risks, priorities the risks and determine options for treatment of each risk.Using this information, you are required to develop a risk management action plan for implementing risk treatment, document the plan as required, and communicate the risk management plan to relevant parties.
This task requires you to:
• Write an email to pertinent stakeholders to invite them to assist with risk identification
• Develop a Risk Management Plan
• Review the Risk Management Plan with relevant stakeholders (consultation) and make necessary adjustments to the plan
• Finalise the Risk Management Plan
• Communicate the risk management processes to relevant parties
Review the MacVille simulated business scenario (Appendix 1), the information provided in Appendix 2 (Scenario for Task 2.1), and the additional information provided in Appendix 3 (Additional information for Task 2.2).
A) Email
Write an email (Template 2) to pertinent stakeholders inviting them to assist with the identification of risks. (50-100 words)

B) Risk Management Plan
Develop a Risk Management plan. To develop the plan:
• Read the scenario and information provided (Appendix 1,2 and 3) to research risks that may apply to scope
• Use tools and techniques to identify, analyse risks (6-8)
• Determine the most appropriate risk treatment option for each risk
• Develop an action plan for implementing risk treatment

Task 2.3Communicate risk management processes to relevant parties

Schedule a time with the trainer and assessor in week 5 of class and communicate the risk management processes to relevant parties.
The group of pertinent stakeholders (the CEO and relevant Managers) attending this meeting will be played by a group of classmates in a simulated work environment (Role-Play).
The trainer and assessor will evaluate your performance during the Role-Play.
If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to make alternative arrangements with the trainer and assessor to perform the Role-Play.
Before the meeting
• Complete the Risk Management Plan
• Prepare one or more copies of the plans or present it in soft copy using a laptop and/or projector.
• Prepare to present the risk management processes and answer questions from the audience.
During the meeting
• Present the Risk Management Plan
• Use communication techniques to encourage opinions, and confirm and clarify understanding
• Refer to organisational processes, procedures and requirements relevant to risk management
• Consult and negotiate the risk processes with the stakeholders, gathering feedback
After the meeting
• List the changes to the plan that were agreed on with the stakeholders. Document the list in the space provided below:

BSBADM502 Manage meetings

Task 3 - Conduct and follow up on the meeting
This task builds on Task 2.

In this task, you are required to:
• Conduct the meeting
• Follow up the meeting

To complete this task, please refer to Appendix 1 - Scenario at the end of this assessment document which includes relevant policies and procedures.

This task comprises of product-based assessment methods, and direct observation of a Role Play in a simulated work environment.

It has been designed to evaluate your ability to:

• Chair meetings in accordance with organisational requirements agreed conventions for type of meeting and legal and ethical requirements
• Conduct meetings to ensure they are focused, time-efficient and achieve the required outcomes
• Ensure meeting facilitation enables participation, discussion, problem-solving and resolution of issues
• Brief minute-taker on method for recording meeting notes in accordance with organisational requirements and conventions for type of meeting
• Check transcribed meeting notes to ensure they reflect a true and accurate record of the meeting and are formatted in accordance with organisational procedures and meeting conventions
• Distribute and store minutes and other follow-up documentation within designated timelines, and according to organisational requirements
• Report outcomes of meetings as required, within designated timelines

You are required to address the following:
• Task 3.1 Conduct the meeting:
o Conduct the meeting (Role-Play)
• Task 3.2 Follow up the meeting:
o Conduct follow-up meeting activities as instructed


1. Review the assessment scenario, the business documentation, including policies and procedures and the templates provided:
o Appendix 1 - Scenario at the end of this document which includes relevant policies and procedures
o Templates:
• 1 - Meeting Minutes in Task 3.1
• 2 - Email in Task 3.2 A and B
2. This assessment task builds on the work completed in Task 2.
You will conduct and follow up on the meeting you planned for in Task 2.

3. Schedule a time with the trainer and assessor in week 4 of class to conduct the meeting (Role-Play).

4. For the purpose of the assessment, the meeting will have a duration of 20-30 minutes, and a group of classmates will play the role of the participants.

5. Ask one of the participants (classmate) to be the minute taker and to take the minutes using the approved template (Template 1 ).

Before the meeting
• Prepare to chair the meeting
• Prepopulate the Meeting Minutes Template (Template 1) as needed
• Print or provide a soft copy of the meeting minutes template to the minute taker
During the meeting
• Brief the minute-taker on the method for recording notes in accordance with organisational requirements and conventions
• Greet the attendees and explain the purpose and the structure of the meeting
• Chair the meeting in accordance with organisational policy and procedures
• Facilitate the discussion
• Ensure that the meeting is focused, time-efficient and that achieves the required outcomes (all items discussed)
• Encourage active participation from the attendees
• Facilitate problem-solving, discussion of ideas and resolution of issues in a professional manner
• Prepare to provide one example of an issue solved during the meeting
• Listens for information, ideas, and concerns during the meeting
• Use a style, tone and vocabulary appropriate to the audience
• Close the meeting making sure that action items are minuted
After the meeting
• Check the meeting minutes and make sure that they are a true and accurate record of the meeting and that they reflect relevant organisational policy and procedures
• Provide evidence of the draft meeting minutes taken by your classmate (picture or screenshot)
• Make corrections, adjust and refine the meeting minutes, submitting a final copy using Template 1 in this assessment document.

6. The trainer and assessor will evaluate your performance during the Role-Play.
If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to make alternative arrangements with the trainer and assessor to perform the Role-Play.

7. Write a follow-up email to the attendees providing the meeting minutes

8. Write an email to the CEO providing information about the outcome of the meeting

9. Create a file path for the Agenda and Meeting Minutes

Although the assessment may require group collaboration to simulate a work environment, the assessment submission is individual, and it will be marked as such.

Task 3.1 Conduct the meeting

Schedule a time with the trainer and assessor in week 4 of class to conduct the meeting (Role-Play).
For the purpose of the assessment, the meeting will have a duration of 20-30 minutes, and a group of classmates will play the role of the participants.
Ask one of the participants (classmate) to be the minute taker and to take the minutes using the approved template (Template 1 ).
The trainer and assessor will evaluate your performance during the Role-Play.
If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to make alternative arrangements with the trainer and assessor to perform the Role-Play.
Before the meeting
• Prepare to chair the meeting
• Prepopulate the Meeting Minutes Template (Template 1) as needed
• Print or provide a soft copy of the meeting minutes template to the minute taker
During the meeting
• Brief the minute-taker on the method for recording notes in accordance with organisational requirements and conventions
• Greet the attendees and explain the purpose and the structure of the meeting
• Chair the meeting in accordance with organisational policy and procedures
• Facilitate the discussion
• Ensure that the meeting is focused, time-efficient and that achieves the required outcomes (all items discussed)
• Encourage active participation from the attendees
• Facilitate problem-solving, discussion of ideas and resolution of issues in a professional manner
• Prepare to provide one example of an issue solved during the meeting
• Listens for information, ideas, and concerns during the meeting
• Use a style, tone and vocabulary appropriate to the audience
• Close the meeting making sure that action items are minuted
After the meeting
• Check the meeting minutes and make sure that they are a true and accurate record of the meeting and that they reflect relevant organisational policy and procedures
• Provide evidence of the draft meeting minutes taken by your classmate (picture or screenshot) in the space below:
• Make corrections, adjust and refine the meeting minutes, submitting a final copy using Template 1 in this assessment document.

Task 3.2 Follow-up on the meeting

A) Email to attendees
Write an email to attendees addressing the following:
• Consider that the email should be sent no later than 48 hours after the meeting
• Thank them for the participation in the meeting
• Summarise the meeting outcome
• Provide information about ‘one' action item that you have followed up after the meeting
• Advise that the minutes are now available and providing a filepath to the document on the server.
Please note:
The meeting minutes' filename includes the meeting type and date (e.g. ‘Minutes-StaffMeeting-220520XX.docx'), and is stored in the ‘Meeting Minutes' folder on the Administration server:
Administration > Internal > Staff Meetings > Meeting Minutes
• Attach the meeting minutes for external guests who have not access to the company's internal drive
• The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.

B) Email to CEO
Write an email to the CEO informing him about the outcome of the meeting.
The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.
Use Template 2 to write the email.

C) Filing

Create a file path in your drive for the Agenda and the Minutes as follows:
• Administration > Internal > Staff Meetings > Meeting Agendas
• Administration > Internal > Staff Meetings > Meeting Minutes
saving the Agenda and the Meeting in the relevant folder.

Take a screenshot of the folder to show how the documents were saved and how the folders were set-up.

BSBRSK501 - Manage risk

Task 3 - Implement and evaluate the risk management processes

This task builds on Assessment Task 2.

To complete this task, please refer to Appendix 1 - Scenario at the end of this assessment document.

This task comprises of product-based assessment methods, and a Case Study in a simulated work environment.

It has been designed to evaluate your ability to:

• Ensure all documentation is in order and appropriately stored
• Implement and monitor the action plan
• Evaluate risk management process

You are required to address the following:
• Task 3.1 Risk management implementation:
o Set up a filing system
o Address a Case Study
o Determine changes to the Risk Plan
• Task 3.2 Risk Management Evaluation:
o Develop a Risk Management Evaluation Report


1. Review the assessment scenario, the business documentation, including policies and procedures and the templates provided:
o Appendix 1 - Information for Task 3.2 at the end of this document
o Policies and Procedures - provide in Appendix 1 in Task 2
o Templates:
• 1 - Risk management implementation in Task 3.2

2. Provide evidence of record-keeping by completing the following activities:
• Set-up a Risk Management Folder in your drive
• Set-up the following folders:
o Risk Context
o Risk Management
• Save the Risk Context Report in the ‘Risk Context' folder
• Save the Risk Management Plan in the ‘Risk Management Folder ‘
• Use the following naming convention for the two files:
o Risk Context Report - DDMMYYYY- Version #
o Risk Plan - DDMMYYYY- Version #

3. Address the scenarios provided as instructed

4. Identify changes to the Risk Plan and list them

5. Develop a Risk management Evaluation Report

Task 3.1 Risk management implementation

A) Record Keeping

Provide evidence of record-keeping by completing the following activities:
1. Set-up a Risk Management Folder in your drive
2. Set-up the following folders:
• Risk Context
• Risk Management
3. Save the Risk Context Report in the ‘Risk Context' folder
4. Save the Risk Management Plan in the ‘Risk Management Folder ‘
5. Use the following naming convention for the two files:
• Risk Context Report - DDMMYYYY- Version #
• Risk Plan - DDMMYYYY- Version #

B) Case Study

Assume that the following scenarios have occurred. Review them and evaluate their impact on risk management implementation.

A The budget for risk treatment implementation was cut by 15%.
B One of the risk owners is not confident in applying the risk management process.
C A new competitor is opening a café next door.
D One of the highest priority risks in your risk register happened.
How do you manage the issue?
E When monitoring risks, you are using a very complex risk status report that is difficult for staff to understand.
Staff is not recording risk monitoring information correctly.
C) Changes to plans

What changes would you apply to the risk management plan based on the scenarios described in Task 3.1B?
List the changes in the space provided below (2-4 changes)

Task 3.2 Risk Management Evaluation

Read Appendix 1 - Information for Task 3.2.
Prepare a Risk Management Report (Template 1) addressing the following:
• What risks continued and/or are reduced
• Perform an analysis of the effectiveness of the risk management processes based on the work in the assessment tasks, and the scenarios provided
• Lessons learned for future reference

Attachment:- Assessment Tasks.rar

Reference no: EM132630024

Questions Cloud

Evaluate the accuracy of the iron triangle model : In your initial post of at least 200-250 words, briefly explain the iron triangle model of policy-making involving Congress, the bureaucracy, and interest.
Has Jake any remedy or remedies available : Jake owns a print and copy shop just beside a university. Has Jake any remedy or remedies available to him against Devices n More under Sale of Goods Act
How well does your reps position on that issue : The Constitution states, "The House of Representatives shall be composed of Members chosen every second Year by the People of the several States..."
About the Mergers : One of the hottest topics in the business press are rumors of major corporations merging together. Is this merger horizontal? Vertical?
Explain team dynamics in relation to managing meetings : Explain team dynamics in relation to managing meetings and Why are risk management standards important - describe the legislative and regulatory context
The Future of Nursing-Leading Change-Advancing Health : Describe the work of the Robert Wood Foundation Committee Initiative that led to the IOM report, "Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health."
Journalize the transactions for Basil Corporation : Basil Corporation is authorized to issue 900,000 shares of $10 par value common stock, Journalize the 2018 transactions for Basil's Corporation
Determine the economic order quantity : Determine the economic order quantity, assuming a 52-week year.
How much is the total liabilities to be reported : Based on the above information, how much is the total liabilities to be reported in the balance sheet as of December 31, 2019 of MUST Corp.


Write a Review

Other Subject Questions & Answers

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Explain why you chose these advertisements for social scientific and personal study. For instance, what aspects of them intrigued you and made you curious?

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Prepare a brief summary of the research conducted in the Evidence-Based Project - Paper on Diabetes.

  Research on women health issues such as birth control

Write one & half page with 5-6 references. Research on women's health issues such as: Birth Control

  Research how nature is represented through art

Research how nature is represented through art. You will select three pieces and explain their meaning. You may choose the artworks for this presentation.

  What are the most popular neural network architectures

What are the most popular neural network architectures? Discuss briefly two out of them. Your research paper should be 850 words, double-spaced, have at least.

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Briefly compare and contrast the leadership theories presented in Chapter 8 of your textbook. Select a historical figure (living or dead) who has been a leader.

  Physical and emotional benefits of weight training

Discuss physical and emotional benefits of weight training and how the discipline required is applicable to business and personal life.

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Describe the overall impact (e.g., economic, social, etc.) of utilizing information technologies in combatting digital crime and digital terrorism.

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Valles Global Industries has a division that operates a fishing fleet that fishes for Alaskan cod. In the table entitled "Cod Catch" in the attached file.

  Define a servant leader focuses on using institutional power

A servant leader focuses on using institutional power and control to force followers to complete their personal agenda

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