Explain social science discipline

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Reference no: EM133262918

  1. Describe and summarize the theory or theories used in this article and name the social science discipline they come from. 
  2. Describe if this research comes from the inductive or deductive approach and support your rationale
  3. Describe if this research is exploratory, descriptive, explanatory, or a combination and why.  Support your rationale.
  4. Identify the research methods used for the design of this research and describe how the authors collected their data. Indicate the following:
    • How did the researchers design the data collection instrument?  Was it a qualitative or quantitative instrument? 
    • Did they use qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods in their research design? Describe why you think this is so.
      • If you do not believe mixed methods were used, describe if you think the use of multiple methods would enhance the research and affect the results.
  5. Describe the sampling process:
    • Who was used as their sample? 
    • Was this sample recruited using non-probability sampling or probability sampling?  Describe why you think this is so.  Support your rationale.
  6. Describe the methods used by the researchers in their analysis of the data.
    • How did they analyze the data?
      • Remember that they used some type of approach either qualitative data collection or quantitative data collection. Which one did they use and how did they analyze the data they collected?  Describe the process.
  7. Name the key independent and dependent variables of the research.
    • Was there measurement between the two variables?  If so, what were they?  If not, why do you think this is so?
    • Was there an hypothesis?  If not, why do you think this is so?
  8. Discuss the analyses that were conducted to arrive at the article's conclusions.
    • Discuss the results of the research conducted. Do the authors cite any limitations to their research? If so, what are they?
  9. Let's say that an independent research foundation has given you money to expand and improve on this study by using a mixed- methods approach-that is, by adding a research methodology from another social science. The foundation's board of scientists believes strongly in the value of interdisciplinary research and wants you to add the approach and unique methods of an additional social science.

Reference no: EM133262918

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