Reference no: EM13852878
Part 1-
1. Describe and provide examples of four different strategies for reaching global markets,
2. When describing the state of the U S economy, reporters often refer to the nation's GDP, its unemployment rate and the CPI. Explain what each of these terms means and why each measure is significant.
3. Describe at least 3 ways that government can foster entrepreneurship and encourage the creation of wealth.
4. Identify and describe the 4 basic rights that form the foundation of capitalism.
5. Explain the significance of "price" in a free market economic system
6. Identify and discuss the social responsibilities of a firm to the four stakeholders described in your text - customers, investors, employees and society.
Part 2-WHAT:
Select a person, group, event or place and write about the subject in a way that brings the subject to life for the reader. Develop your thoughts and present them with specific and relevant examples, while applying effective writing strategies and appeals.
5 pages, double-spaced w separate reference page
Topic is"a profile on a company named Span Inc that provides support for new release prisoners" do need you to NOT write a kind of simple company report like one might do for a business class, where you look at profits and marketing plans and competition, etc.
Instead, I need you to humanize the topic--is there anyway for you to observe or report on how they interact with new release prisoners,by maybe taking an example (that sounds awful but what I mean is focus on one person or several people who are going to be released) and what obstacles they typically face, and how Span tries to assist them with these obstacles.
If you look at the post from Friday on the heroin addict: Bebinger, M. (2015, Sept. 25) After seven overdoses, Joey searches for a reason why he's still here. WBUR CommonHealth. Retrieved from
This is kind of what I mean. Joey is the topic but he is meant to humanize the larger group/condition of addiction and what 'typical' obstacles they face.
Due to confidentiality I could understand why profiling people about to be released is problematic for you, but again I do want you to think of some way to get at the WHO and the WHY of this topic rather than a simple profile of the company.
Another thought, in profiling the company, and if you can't really profile the prisoners themselves due to confidentiality, maybe you can profile one of the counselors who work with prisoners and that person (who again presents the larger topic of what this company tries to do) could tell you about the typical obstacles that s/he faces and that her clients/prisoners face as they try to reintegrate prisoners into society.
For example, I'd think women prisoners face unique challenges that perhaps male prisoners (without children) face? But I don't know. That's what your profile of this GROUP of people (prisoners being released) would show via the interview and observations of the company (and perhaps an employee/counselor who helps prisoners) would show.
A Profile Essay informs readers, provides insight, and uses vivid details about a subject. Unlike an essay based on experiences of its writer told in the first person, a profile offers the reader better understanding of an outside subject. This assignment presents subject matter for a specific audience and purpose and will lead you to identify main ideas, supporting evidence, and conclusions. It will also provide practice in form, organization, syntax, diction, style, and tone, while reinforcing that writing is a process requiring substantive revision.
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