Reference no: EM131328457
Homosexuality is seen by most as a deviance to the social values and beliefs. This attitude has propagated the marginalization of this group in social, political and religious aspects. This research shall be exploring the religious, political and health care obstacles facing the homosexual community. This topic is of interest because society at any one time cannot be fit in to a one- size- fits- all. There will always be variations and for it to work as a well-oiled machine sensitive matters like homosexuality have to be addressed.
In Western Europe since 1989, there has been a spread of formalized same-sex couples when the institution of marriage has always been heterosexual.
This proposal will mainly focus on three secondary sources touching on these issues affecting homosexuals. It shall review the works of this research proposal will address two questions that will inform my preliminary research:
• How are religious groups working towards embracing the homosexuals with their principles being based on compassion for all?
• What are the political and health care stakeholders doing to protect the rights and lives of homosexuals who are part and parcel of our community?
The secondary sources I shall be using to answer the above questions are three books:
• First, a book by David R. Hodge titled "Epistemological Frameworks, Homosexuality, and Religion: How People of Faith Understand the Intersection between Homosexuality and Religion", published July 2005.This book is a helpful tool in answering the question of how religious groups will extend support to homosexuals. In summary this book addresses how both people of faith and homosexuals both feel marginalized by the other and how it affects social works. It addresses how both these groups should embrace inclusivity for the good of society.
• The second book is by Achim Hildebrandt titled, "Christianity, Islam and Modernity: Explaining Prohibitions on Homosexuality in UN Member states." It was published in 2014.It addresses the legality of same -sex groups and how 77 countries have banned them based on religious roots. This addresses the question of how the political frameworks of UN member states have affected how homosexuals lead their lives.
• The third book is by Andrew Moores, J.Craig Philips, Patrick O'Byrne and Paul McPherson titled "Anal Screening Knowledge, attitudes and experiences among men who have sex with men in Ottawa Ontario."It was published in 2015. It addresses the health question of how homosexuals approach their health matters. It talks about anal cancer which is rare but has become prevalent among homosexuals and the challenges they face in addressing it due to lack of programs or standards of care informing primary care physicians.
People with same-sex orientation, more so, homosexuals should be given access to quality health care system that provides a non-hostile environment so they can be more forthcoming about health related complications.
People of faith and homosexuals should work together on the basis of inclusivity to curb marginalization and to strengthen social works and on the same point governments should review the legalities they place on homosexuals based on their religious roots.
This proposal highlights the experiences of the homosexual community. They face challenges in legally, religiously and health wise and this proposal addresses these issues. This group easily identifies with these issues because statistics say so and my observations. The thesis statements correspond to the core of the homosexual community way of life.
In conclusion, the next step of interest is the freedom of homosexuals in the army. If a person reveals that they are gay will they ostracized by being discharged from duty or being subjected to tougher work conditions? It will involve carrying out a research on army recruitment statistics among the homosexuals. In my next visit to the library, I would like to be more focusing on the homosexuals' life and their effects from all the side.
Sexuality issues in the Society: Abstract
After the same-sex marriage law was passed, individuals who had been hiding their relations from the public acquired the confidence to publicly proceed on with their relationship. There are however many beliefs and perspectives that make the majority of these people maintain the secrecy of how they relate with one another. The main reason is that the society has not yet completely accepted the concept of same-sex marriage. The church, for example, is still against this societal aspect. These issues therefore significantly affect the same sex community, mainly because despite the legality of the matter according to the law, the perspectives of others, which matters to most individuals, are still negative. This area is thus appropriate for study, because, through it, one can fully understand the different ways through which the same-sex community is affected by different perspectives of individuals and groups in the society. The purpose of this study, therefore, is to highlight how society's perceptions and attitudes in matters of faith, health issues and political ideologies affect the homosexual community. It draws on three secondary sources to expose the underlying issues facing homosexuals: a) "Epistemological Frameworks, Homosexuality, and Religion: How People of Faith Understand the Intersection between Homosexuality and Religion" byDavid R. Hodge,b) "Christianity, Islam, and Modernity: Explaining Prohibitions on Homosexuality in the UN Member States." by Achim Hildebrandt and c) "Anal Screening Knowledge, attitudes and experiences among men who have sex with men in Ottawa Ontario" by Andrew Moores, J.Craig Philips, Patrick O'Byrne and Paul McPherson. The anticipated outcome of this study is to bridge the gap between people with different sexual orientation so as to handle better the challenges faced as a society from a unified front.
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