Reference no: EM132382931
For this assignment. you are the information security manager for the county of Islington. The county just elected a new sheriff. He does not have a keen understanding of what is Physical Security. It is your responsibility as the security manager to bitef the sheriff on what Is physical security and how It can be used lo protect critical technological Infrastructures throughout the county.
Please provide a PowerPoint Presentation with no less than 15 informative slides. Further, you will use Zoom to record yourself. giving the presentation, and explaining the slides. You do not have to be in the video. The slides must include pictures and other graphics showing the technological infrastructures in the county as well as supporting the presentation. The presentation should address the following.
- What is physical security)
- What are physical barriers and how they caindde with physical security?
- Detail all five levels on separate slides
- What is the value of planning as it relates to the levels of physical security?
- What are the levels of physical security?
- Explain security or master plan and countermeasures.
- Expound on designing security and layout of the site
You must have a minimum of 15 slides This does NOT include your introduction or reference slides Your presentation should be belween 1510 20 minutes in length. You should have a minimum of 14 DIFFERENT citahons with matching a reference list Please upload your recording (mpit) to your assignment area upon completion . he sure that your slides show less writing and more graphics, your writing should most be in the speaker notes section of the slides. The plagiarism score should not he more than 30%.
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