Explain renaissance humanism

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133391207


Choose four achievements from the Renaissance period (1300 to 1600). They can be from the lesson or you can research to find them-just make sure they are from the Renaissance!

  • One in the visual arts (painting and sculpture)
  • One in literature or poetry
  • One in science or technology
  • One additional achievement of your choice in any area (can be a second achievement in one of the areas above)

Describe each achievement and what was new and interesting about it-how it was different from earlier medieval art or science? Your descriptions and explanations need to be only a few complete sentences, but they should use key terms or specialized vocabulary from the lesson and thoroughly explain what the achievement was, what made it new, and one interesting fact about it. You can paste images of your achievements into the assignment, but the descriptions are what your teacher will be grading.

For each achievement, write a brief explanation of how Renaissance humanism might have inspired the person who made it. Explain how humanism could have been the root of the branch you described above.

Reference no: EM133391207

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