Reference no: EM133746453 , Length: 3 pages
Your Infographic will include the following:
1. An analysis of the relationship between capitalism and climate change.
2. A case study that illustrates the unevenness of environmental impacts/injustices associated with climate change.
3. Two solutions (one structural, one individual) for mitigating or halting climate change and/or its accompanying injustices.
Assignment Details
Part I: Text for Your Infographic
1. Explain the relationship between capitalism and climate change. How has capitalism contributed to climate change? Your analysis must engage with Robbins' article, the film, Sun Come Up, and ideas discussed in lecture. Be sure to provide specific examples (evidence) to support the points you are making and cite your sources as you write using the same ASA Citation formatting you've used in the exams. Your text should be a minimum of 500 words.
2. Select a case study that illustrates the impacts/injustices associated with climate change. Drawing on the source you selected, provide an analysis of at least one specific case of environmental injustice that illustrates the unevenness of social and ecological vulnerabilities associated with climate change and/or environmental degradation within the U.S. or internationally. Cite your source as you write using the same ASA Citation formatting you've used in the exams. Your text should be a minimum of 300 words.
3. Identify at least two solutions for mitigating or halting climate change and/or its accompanying injustices and describe each of these for your viewers. Your solutions should include one structural action, and one individual action. Drawing on the two sources you selected, describe and demonstrate two actions that can be taken to address climate change. Your text should be a minimum of 500 words.
4. Select at least three artifacts (images, photographs, graphs/charts, etc.) that you want to include in your Infographic to make it more engaging for viewers. Be sure to document the sources for each of your artifacts so that you can include these in your Infographic.
5. Compose a bibliography of all of your sources.
6. Submit your text, artifacts, and a complete bibliography in a Word document to Canvas (see Canvas for deadlines).
Part II: Create and Share Your Infographic
1. Use the following tool to create your infographic: Here you can play around with the different designs and templates provided by Canva to customize and personalize your Infographic.
2. Add your text and artifacts that you created in Part I of Exam 4. Please note that each of the three sections of your infographic (i.e. 1) the relationship between capitalism and climate change; 2) your case study; and 3) the solutions you've identified) should be displayed on individual pages.
Your infographic should be between 2 to 3 pages in length.
3. Be sure to cite the sources of any media or artifacts (photos, text, video, etc.) that you use in your Infographic and include a bibliography at the end of your Infographic.