Reference no: EM13852767
From "Capstone Encyclopaedia of Business"
From the Latin carraria, which means carriageway, a career is a progression of jobs throughout an individual's life. A ‘career' is more than ‘a job'. A job is an increasingly transient phenomenon. Most individuals will do several different jobs during their lifetime; some will do many, not all necessarily in the same field. A career is the collective experience of a working life. A job is a part; a career is the sum of the parts.
Careers were once spent mainly with one company, moving from each job to a better job in that organization. Today, careers can involve working for one company, working for many different companies, working in different industries or even working for different companies and industries at the same time.
The planning of an individual's career, by the individual or by a specialist company, is known as career management. Professional career managers act as consultants, offering their services to individuals who need assistance planning their careers, as well as to companies as an added-value service for the human resources department.
A new phenomenon, career management includes issues such as employability, career coaching, work/life balance and personal development. It aims to identify and improve an individual's unique skills, and then to find jobs, or assignments, which match those skills and the individual's values.
There is also a term for a person for whom personal advancement in a career assumes a great importance
- some might say too great an importance - in his life: careerist.
Explain your proposed approach for conducting research necessary to develop quality deliverables and explain how the information gleaned will support your career development in management.
Please review the approach proposed by other students, providing objective feedback on opportunities for improvement. Analyze new and creative ways to think about problems and change.
This is sample I did semester ago: While preparing for my assignments, I always do lot of research and that is not easy because not every website it legitimate. I always use MUSE, book, magazine's articles, learning materials posted by the professor, AIU library and internet resources.
The MUSE is my "best friend" while preparing to write a paper. I always print out all MUSE pdf and read them and reread them to memorize information. I also either buy hard copy of the book or print out each assigned chapter and highlight the most important information. The hardest part is to find the right resources. I also like listening the chats from the classes which helps me with the assignment.
I check on APA style etc... This is post for this assignment of other classmate for the example for first paragraph:"With each assigment in this course there are different requirements.
Although some assignments require a longer length to them or even for us students to work in groups, it is possible to come up with a successful process to complete them. For instance, the assignment this week requires 1,200-1,500 words while last week was less.
Our group project requires 2 submissions and for us to work together to get a good grade. Each assignment will require us students to learn the information by research and write an efficient paper about it.
I am hopeful that each assignment will teach me new information and expand my knowledge about creative problem solving. Additionally, each assignment will bring its own challenges that will need to be faced. With a proper process of handling assignments, I should be successful in each one". Please use pdf as a supporting document and please mention it in the paper as citations.