Explain principles involved in establishing a site layout

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Reference no: EM131336806


1-Explain the basic principles involved in establishing a site layout for a spill or release response. In your response, include the requirements for air and personnel monitoring.

2-As a container of hazardous materials is being unloaded from a delivery truck, the container is dropped and the package begins to leak. Is this a transportation accident? Why, or why not? Explain the actions required to be taken by the driver in such a scenario.

3-Hazards can be separated into three basic types: physical, chemical, and natural. Consider the hazards that are present at your local gas station, and put them into one of the three categories, listing at least one hazard for each category. Analyze one of the hazards for possible outcomes.

4-Compare and contrast the four levels of protection used during spill response and cleanup activities. In your discussion, provide an example of a spill or cleanup scenario for each level.

Case Study-

You have been hired as a consultant by your town's emergency management coordinator to help develop emergency action plans. One of the reasons you were selected is your expertise in using the General Behavior Model (GEBMO) to assess risks. Your first task is to assess the hazardous material risks at a local gas station. The station has one 30,000-gallon underground storage tank compartmentalized to hold 10,000 gallons each of the three gasoline grades, and there is one additional 10,000-gallon tank for diesel fuel. The station has four pumps, and each one can deliver all four products. Also on site is a 2,500 sq. ft. concrete block building used for the cashier and retail sales of service station and convenience store items.

The station is located at a busy intersection near the center of town. It is adjacent to several other local businesses that do a brisk business during the day. Across the street from the station is a large housing development with an elementary school. Behind the station is a city park with playgrounds, baseball fields, and a large wooded area.

Use the GEBMO framework to assess the risks related to the fuels in the underground tanks. Consider physical, chemical, and natural hazards that may contribute to the risks.

1. Discuss how you applied each of the steps in the GEBMO process and what risks you identified.

2. Provide recommendations for preventing spills or releases.

3. Discuss response actions required in the event of a spill or release. Support your discussion with appropriatereferences and in-text citations. Your submission must be a minimum of two pages and a maximum of four pages in length.

Reference no: EM131336806

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