Reference no: EM131217163
Discussion 1:
Poverty in Young and Middle Adulthood
Poverty has a strong influence on the lives of adults. When an adult lives in poverty, the effects extend beyond that individual to all those who depend on the adult. The problem of poverty in the life of an adult becomes a family or community problem, and few social problems are more impactful than poverty.
As a social worker, you are likely to address the needs of clients whose adverse circumstances are strongly influenced by poverty. Increasing your understanding of poverty and its influence will equip to you to better understand and assist your clients.
As you read this week's resources, select the theory of poverty that most resonates with you to address in your Discussion post for this week.
Post a Discussion that includes the following:
o An explanation of how poverty impacts the experience of individuals in young and middle adulthood
o A statement as to whether you think poverty is the result of cultural or individual. characteristics; provide support for your position
o An answer to the following questions about the theory of poverty you selected:
- What aspects of this theory would be most suitable for your practice? Why?
- What aspects of this theory do you find problematic in terms of your knowledge of social work practice? Explain.
Be sure to support your posts with specific references to the resources. If you are using additional articles, be sure to provide full APA-formatted citations for your references.
References (use 2 or more)
Zastrow, C. H., & Kirst-Ashman, K. K. (2016). Understanding human behavior and the social environment (10th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.
Discussion 2: The Effects of Means-Tested Social Programs
What is welfare? When you hear the word "welfare," do you picture images of individuals who are facing hard times? While there is more than one type of social program available in the United States to those who need it, social welfare programs like TANF provide assistance to families in need through government tax revenues. Programs like these are often referred to as "public assistance" or "means-tested programs." These programs have eligibility criteria that are based on the individual's or the family's household income and assets. Do these types of programs exist in your state or region? If so, what are the criteria? If you encountered a client like Eboni Logan, from the Logan Family video, who soon will become a mother, how might you best assist her in obtaining benefits from these types of programs?
For this Discussion, review this week's resources, including the Logan Family video case. Consider the means-tested programs that might be available to her in your state or region. Then, think about the likely long-term outcomes for Eboni and her child, if she chooses to parent. Finally, reflect on the state welfare policies that might help her manage the responsibilities of parenthood.
o Post a brief explanation of the means-tested programs that might be available to Eboni.
o Be sure your answer is specific to the means-tested programs available in your state or region.
o Then, explain the potential long-term outcomes for Eboni and her child, if she chooses to parent.
o Finally, explain the state public assistance policies that might help Eboni manage the responsibilities of parenthood.
Support your post with specific references to the resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references.
References (use 2 or more)
Bentele, K. G., & Nicoli, L. T. (2012). Ending access as we know it: State welfare benefit coverage in the TANF era. Social Service Review, 86(2), 223-268.
Posiniewski, L. (2011). A unique approach to meeting the employment and training needs of food stamp recipients. Policy & Practice, 69(2), 14-15.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
Laureate Education (Producer). (2013). Sessions: Logan family Episode 4 of 42) [Video file].
Discussion 3: Welfare Programs
In the United States, there are many policies and programs in place to provide financial assistance to individuals in various ways. Some of these policies and programs include tax deductions for children, child care, mortgage interest, marital status, and/or student loans. These examples represent financial considerations the U.S. government provides to specific groups of people in society.
While many individuals appreciate the benefits of the policies and programs indicated earlier, there are many stereotypes associated with people who utilize certain public assistance programs like food stamps, subsidized housing, etc. It is important for social workers to understand the impact these stereotypes have on recipients of and service providers for such programs. Also, it is essential that you have the facts about social welfare policies in order to dispel the myths about recipients of assistance programs.
For this Discussion, review this week's resources. Consider whether you think means-tested programs, such as the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), and Supplemental Security Income (SSI), create dependency among its recipients. Then, think about how the potential perception of dependency might contribute to the stigma surrounding welfare programs. Finally, reflect on the perceptions you might have regarding individuals who receive means-tested welfare and how that perception might affect your work with clients.
o Post an explanation of whether means-tested programs (TANF, SNAP, and SSI) create dependency.
o Then, explain how the potential perception of dependency might contribute to the stigma surrounding welfare programs.
o Finally, explain the perceptions you have regarding people who receive means-tested welfare and how that perception might affect your work with clients.
Support your post with specific references to the resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references.
References (use 2 or more)
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. (n.d.). Office of Planning, Research & Evaluation. Retrieved November 14, 2013, from