Explain possible assumptions or misconceptions about family

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Reference no: EM13762703

you learned about categories of special needs that present different challenges and impact children and families in different ways. This week you have read about specific family characteristics such as culture, language, and family composition that also can present needs and challenges for families of children with special needs.

Imagine yourself in your future role as a child development professional. Read each description of a family with a young child with a special need:

The Perez family has a 4-year-old daughter Blanca who was born with Down syndrome and an older child Salma who is five. The family has moved to your community from Mexico to join a larger extended family that includes Mrs. Perez's two sisters, who are both married with children. Mr. and Mrs. Perez speak little English. Her sisters speak English and Spanish and can translate for the parents. They also have strong feelings about what is best for both children, and especially for Blanca.

The Whitehorse family has a 3-year-old son David who was recently diagnosed with cerebral palsy. David has been identified to receive special services under IDEA. However, his parents, who are Native American, are confused by the services and uncertain about what they mean for David. They believe David is fine with what he can do. Some of the teachers in the public school preschool program David would attend perceive the parents as uncaring and even negligent.

The Smith family has a 5-year-old son Micah who is profoundly hearing impaired as a result of contracting meningitis at age two. The recent birth of a baby daughter has created great stress for the family. Micah's behavior at home and in his preschool classroom has become more aggressive. The Smiths are worried but don't know what to do.

Using information from the readings this week and what you learned about the specific categories of special needs in previous weeks, respond to the following.

Post the following:

Choose one family and explain what you, as an early childhood professional, could best do to support this family. Cite references from the text and other readings as you explain your ideas.

Explain possible assumptions or misconceptions about each family, and your ideas for how to develop a greater understanding of each family.

Reference no: EM13762703

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