Explain physical address and ip address of a computer

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM13767716

1. Suppose you are a biologist and want to do research about tigers living in the woods. You want to find some Web pages that satisfy all the following conditions:

a. contain the word "tiger"

b. contain the word "woods" or "forests"

c. do not contain the proper name "Tiger Woods"

d. do not containing the word "golf"

How can you combine these search conditions to create one query in Google to find these pages? Type your query here.

2. Search the Web and find the answers to the following questions. For each question, include the URLs where you found your answers.

Who is often called the "Father of Computing" and when did he live?

What was the "Analytical Engine"?

Was the Analytical Engine designed to run on electricity?

Who was Ada Lovelace, and how is she related to the "Father of Computing"?

Who was Ada Lovelace's father?

What computing "first" is Ada Lovelace known for?

3. Search the Web and find the answers to the following questions. For each question, include the URLs where you found your answers.

The ENIAC is often called the first general-purpose computer, though some question this distinction. In kilograms, how much did ENIAC weigh?

What was ENIAC designed to be used for?

In what year was the construction of the ENIAC completed?

Some claim that other fully programmable, electronic computers were produced before ENIAC. Find at least one example, the year of its production, and who was responsible for its production.

How did the ENIAC computer establish the word "bug" used to describe a problem with a computer?

4. Search 1: Bring up the Google search engine in your browser and search for "who invented the ipod." For this question you do not need to include any URLs.

What name(s) surface as the inventor of the ipod in the first few items in the results?

Search 2: Now bring up the same search engine in a second browser window and search for "ipod AND inventor." What name(s) surface as the inventor of the ipod in the first few items in the results?

Compare your results for Search 1 and Search 2. Are they the same or different?

How many names surfaced as the inventor of the ipod for each search?

Search 3: Bring up the same search engine in a third browser window and search for "inventor AND ipod." Compare your results for Search 2 and Search 3. Are the results from these two searches identical?

Search 4: Now bring up the same search engine in a fourth browser window and search images for "ipod inventor." How many different images of people's faces appear in the first 12 images in the results?

Networking Assignment

5. Many online tools are available to test the speed of your network connection. Use Google to search for "speed test"; you will find a lot of them. For example,
Go to https://www.speedtest.net/. Click on "Begin Test"

How fast is your connection? Provide your download and upload speed here.

Does your download speed match your upload speed? Provide one reason why it is better to have your download speed greater than your upload speed.

6. We have introduced physical address and IP address of a computer. A physical address is also called MAC (Media Access Control) address or Ethernet ID. It is the unique identifier assigned to a network interface for communications. An IP (Internet Protocol) address is a numerical label assigned to a device participating in a computer network.

In this question, you need to find out:

What is the physical address of your computer? List all you can find.

What is the current IP address (IPv4 address) of your computer?


If you are using Windows, go to "Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Center > ... "
If you are using a Mac, go to "System Preferences > Network > ..."

7. The "ping" command is a computer network tool used to test whether a particular host is reachable across an IP network.

If you are using Windows, bring up a Command Prompt window command-line. Enter:
ping www.google.com

If you are using a Mac, start the Terminal (Applications > Utilities > Terminal). Enter:
ping www.google.com

What is the IP address of www.google.com?

How long did it take (round-trip time)?

Now, try to ping a website in Japan: ping www.hitachi.co.jp

What is the IP address of www.hitachi.com?

How long did it take (round-trip time)?

Did it take more time or less time to send a packet to the Hitachi URL or the Google URL? Why?

Reference no: EM13767716

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