Explain philosophy of muslim brotherhood

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Reference no: EM133141933

Chapter 10

1. Explain why a common misconception is that the American Revolution was based on terrorism. What is revolutionary terrorism?

2. Briefly explain why modern revolutionary terrorism reached its zenith in the 1960s and 1970s.

3. How are Maoist revolutionary terrorists different from most other revolutionary terrorists?

4. Summarize the environment in which death squads emerge and describe the tactics they employ.

Chapter 11

1. Explain the philosophy of the Muslim Brotherhood.

2. According to Bunzel (2015), what are the concepts stressed by the Jihadi Salafi members of ISIS?

3. What resulted from the declaration of war and the alliance against Jews and crusaders?

4. Explain how ISIS restored the historic Islamic community in the minds of Salafists.

Reference no: EM133141933

Questions Cloud

Provides alternative to incarceration : Conduct an internet search for a juvenile program in your city or state that provides an alternative to incarceration.
Criminal profiling hinder advancements in emerging field : How do the contradiction and disagreement within the field of criminal profiling hinder advancements in this emerging field?
Undergraduate degree in criminal justice : You are a police officer and you've just obtained your undergraduate degree in Criminal Justice, say you are applying for your Masters program.
Social and cultural norms : You will argue a pro or con position involving minorities, women, or LGBTQ individuals given an audience with opposing views.Presenting stereotypes
Explain philosophy of muslim brotherhood : Explain the philosophy of the Muslim Brotherhood. How are Maoist revolutionary terrorists different from most other revolutionary terrorists?
How might this impact validity of their work : What type of training should profilers have and how might this impact the validity of their work? How should he/she obtain and build these knowledge, skills
Explore alternative approaches to counterterrorism : You will explore alternative approaches to counterterrorism. When should these approaches be used and how?
How do you handle stressful situations : Working as a criminal justice professional can often be stressful. How do you handle stressful situations?
Evaluate restorative justice : What are the key elements that restorative justice programs must observe in order to achieve the goal of healing and repairing relationships?


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