Explain parents rights in regard to ell services

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133600353

Questions: Imagine it is the beginning of a new year and your administration has shared a schoolwide goal related to ensuring proper advocacy and supports for ELLs. What is an example of a resource document (i.e., pamphlet, brochure) to give to new teachers at the beginning of a school year, addressing the following:

  1. An introduction that includes the demographic and home language composition of the PK-12 ELL population in Arizona.
  2. Explain the process used to determine ELL program eligibility, placement, and reassessment, including the use of the Home Language Survey and Arizona's English language proficiency assessment. Identify the standard accommodations available to ELLs for these types of assessments.
  3. Discuss the factors influencing English language acquisition for special populations of ELLs (refugee, migrant, immigrant, and Native American), including how they relate to long-term English learners (LTEL), recently arrived English learners (RAEL) or students with interrupted formal education (SIFE).
  4. Describe other services students may qualify for (exceptional student services/special education, gifted and talented), in addition to being identified as an ELL.
  5. Explain parents'/guardians' rights in regard to ELL services (i.e., program placement, assessment).


Reference no: EM133600353

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