Reference no: EM1326167
How a Business Should Manage Organizational Change Caused by Technology
Describe how a business should manage organizational change caused by technology. Include key areas in the business in which there is resistance to technological change. Indicate existing problems in embracing technology and potential problems that might be introduced by emerging technology. Give specific examples in areas such as the following:
- Technology causing organizations to move from their present state to a desired future state in order to increase their effectiveness (e.g., human resources, functional business resources, technological capability, organizational abilities)
- Responsibilities of managers to implement sudden, drastic organizational changes within their scope of responsibility
- Areas in which managers must be knowledgeable (e.g., process re-engineering and restructuring, innovating application of goods and services, approaches to managing employees as a vital element in the value chain, methods of achieving and maintaining customer loyalty
- Preparedness of companies to deal with internal resistance to technology changes
- Ability of companies to effectively communicate changes to current and prospective customers in order to improve competitive edge
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: How a Business Should Manage Organizational Change Caused by Technology - Preparedness of companies to deal with internal resistance to technology changes
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