Reference no: EM13217271
The Internet provides a wonderful opportunity for doing marketing research and learning about various consumer markets. You are to prepare a report on the size, location, purchasing power, and market potential for the 3 largest minority target markets in the country-Hispanic Americans, African Americans, and Asian Americans. I would recommend you use the resources available online through the Stafford Library and the world-wide-web. This gives you access to a wide variety of sources for the paper.
It is unlikely that all information tasked below for each of the 3 minority markets will come from just one source. You may need to access more than one resource for each market in for the assignment. All of the information below needs to be included in each report. Be sure to cite all information that is not common knowledge in each minority market's section of your paper and to provide a bibliography listing all sources used to complete the paper, at the end of the paper. The assignment must use the question and answer format (exampled in the Course Syllabus) but can either be a narrative or in outline form.
Description of the Market-
•Total numbers in the U.S.
•Percent of the total U. S. population
•Rate of growth
•Average household size
•Average age
•% with college degrees
•Average or median income levels
•Geographic location(s) - metro, states, etc.
•Brands that have higher than average purchase for each group
•Identify specific products which have above average usage for each group
•Best media to use to target each group