Reference no: EM131624028
Assignment: The Constitution
The worksheets will help you build all of the necessary parts for your Final Paper. It is recommended that you review the Learning Activity assignments and review the Final Paper prompt before beginning this assignment. This week, you will evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the most important document for America's national government, the US Constitution. In the worksheet, you will describe one strength and one weakness of the Constitution. In addition, you will need to recommend a way to maintain the strength of this important document and a way to correct a weakness. This effort begins the process of critically analyzing key features of our national government.
To complete the assignment, save the Week One Learning Activity Worksheet to your computer, fill it out, and submit it via WayPoint.
Please review the full assignment prompt and the Week 5 Final Paper instructions located within the classroom and in the POL 201 Course Guide before beginning this assignment.
Utilizing the worksheet below, develop detailed paragraphs that focus on the first main point for your final paper. For each section, a minimum of one fully-developed paragraph is required. A fully developed paragraph should be a minimum of 5-7 sentences in length. Each paragraph should include at least one in-text APA citation that provides support for the topic.
At least two scholarly sources from the Ashford University library (not including your textbook) with in-text citations utilized within your paragraphs are required. Two new sources should be utilized each week to meet the minimum of eight required sources for the final. By finding and supporting your material with these sources each week, you will have the research necessary to construct a strong final paper. For help with writing and citations, please review the handouts and tutorials provided by the Ashford Writing Center.
1. The Constitution:
A. One strength of the U.S. Constitution
(Use the space below to complete this section.)
A. One weakness of the U.S. Constitution
(Use the space below to complete this section.)
B. One option to maintain the strength of the U.S. Constitution
(Use the space below to complete this section.)
C. One option to correct the weakness of the U.S. Constitution
(Use the space below to complete this section.)
1. Reference List (utilizing full APA citations)
(Use the space below to complete this section.)
The Constitution
You are required to develop four paragraphs that explain one strength and one weakness of the US Constitution, as well as provide an option to maintain the strength and to correct the weakness presented.
Scholarly Support
In-text citations must be included in your paragraphs. The additional resources must be utilized to support your ideas and cited using APA format. For assistance with your research, the Ashford University's Library provides tutorials and recorded webinars on a variety of topics. To access these helpful resources, look for the links located under the FindItAU search box on the library home page. For help withwriting and citations, please review the handouts and tutorials provided by the Ashford Writing Center.
A reference list of at least two scholarly resources from the Ashford University Library with full APA citations is required. While your textbook can be utilized as a source, it does not count towards your two sources for this assignment. Two new sources should be utilized each week to meet the minimum of eight required sources for the final. By finding and supporting your material with these sources each week, you will have the research necessary to construct a strong Final Paper.
The Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.
Be sure that the sources you are utilizing to support your ideas are valid, reliable, and not overly biased.