Explain one possible trend we will see in future hotels

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Reference no: EM133607793

What does fixed supply mean?
What does perishable product(room nights) mean?
Explain one possible trend we will see in future hotels.
What does market segmentation mean? What is the target market segment of the Hualuxe hotel?
How is an economy hotel different than a luxury hotel? Provide at least 2 examples
What is an amenity(facility) and what is a service? Provide 1 example of each
Watch the Shangri-la hotel bathroom video. List the amenities in the Shangri-la bathroom. Explain why you think this is a luxury hotel bathroom.
Choose at least 5 of the hotel amenities from the Hotel Amenity article and list them here.
List 3 characteristics of a boutique hotel and 3 characteristics of a lifestyle hotel. How are they different?
Read the article about lifestyle and boutique hotels. Make reference to at least 3 different points from the article to show that you can explain how lifestyle and boutique hotels are similar and different.

Reference no: EM133607793

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